silentscream Search

Monday, March 01, 2004

Why is it that when I'm at home, wonderful, precious thoughts go whizzing in my mind every few seconds. But when I actually sit down to record it, nothin gof value ever appears ? Strange as it may seem, I fancy myself a good writer. Albeit in my thoughts. So many descriptive words flying around my brain but when it comes to the crunch, I'd come up with crap like this. Like this. Like this.

Just a piece of update, my plans for a London holiday has been shelved until further notice. Hey you, [person's name] I know you were expecting my visit, I'm really sorry to bail out. I'm dealing with some family things at the moment and I really can't get away, even for a week. I hope that things would turn around soon and I'll keep you posted. Really, really sorry.

Speaking of family, why is it that youngsters never heed elders' advices ? I am pissed and disappointed by the show of "maturity" of [family member in question]. And it has reached the point where I really can't be bothered anymore. I wash my hands off of the situation. I don't know if you might read this, but let me just say it anyway, you do whatever you see fit, since you "believe" that you can make your own decisions. And that you have the ability to differentiate right from wrong. I don't care. Whatever happens, don't even bother to find out how I am. Truth be told, I'd considered you to not exist in my life anymore. Don't try to contact me via whatever means. SMS or email, it'd all be in vain. I won't send a word back. If this is how you want to play this game, I'd stated my "rules" and you chose NOT to abide then, I have nothing more to say.

Live your life as you want to. Everyone be damned.

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