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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

The ignorant hand story

I am going to write about my hand.
I am going to write about how ignorant I was.
Ignorant, how ?
Well, for the past 2 weeks I'd suffered.
Or rather my right hand suffered.
Exactly 2 weeks ago to this date, I cut my hand while preparing the materials for a practical session.
Flesh wound with loads of blood poring out.
Had it it cleaned and bandaged.
Had a doctor see to the wound.
"Looks clean, no pus", said the good doctor.
"I'll give you some washing solution and cream to apply on the cut. The glass was clean ? Not from the ground ? Okay, not compulsory to have a tetanus shot."
I paid and was off on my merry way.
Tissue around the wound was bruised.
Tender to touch.
One week.
Still not healed.
Even had my blood glucose checked, normal level was the outcome.
So what was wrong ?
Finally yesterday, had a good look at the wound.
Saw something which looked out of the ordinary.
Glass shard !
Took it out and I almost fainted.
Now, the wound is healing nicely.
I hoped.

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