silentscream Search

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Hey sorry for the major absences. I've been super, super busy with real life. Seems like my virtual life has taken a tumble. Not that I am not sad. Anyway, I've finally bought me a new computer ! And printer ! Finally, finally, I'd settled this major headache of mine. Thanks to Sha and Fie. Sha for helping me narrow down my choices (anyway, there wasn't much coz of budget contraints.... *winks*) and Fie for accompanying me to actually "buy" the PC even though she hated crowds. And major crowds it was on Sunday at Suntec's IT Fair 2004. I feel good. Annnnnd I spent quite a bit on getting my textbooks. So basically the last few days has been one huge spending spree for me. I got me a new digital watch (even though my new watch is working perfectly fine !) and a new red haversack. I have never had a red bag before. I love my new stuff !!! And yeah, I can't wait for my new PC to finally find it's resting place in my lilac coloured room. Which reminds me, I need to spend for one last time for a new computer table. Preferably wood and laquer finishing. Anybody know any deals ??? I might go to Ikea, or Novena, not forgetting the furniture mall. So exciting !!!

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