silentscream Search

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Guess what ?

My throat is back to its normal self when I woke up this morning. Many thanks to Eileen for her generosity in allowing me to use some of her honey. I made the age old remedy. Warm lemon tea with a squirt of honey. Okay, it wasn't really a squirt of honey, a lot more of honey. The nasties cleared up and hey, I'm back in business. Laaaa-laaa .... lalalala ....

So anyways, it's pouring now. It's only 17 minutes past 4 pm but already it's looking like half past 7. So dark. So scary. Thank goodness Bio class is still ongoing .... Did I tell you that I hear strange noises when I'm alone in the prep room ? Usually it starts after 4 pm. I can usually hear the wooden raised platform of the teacher's bench creaking at times. As though someone is walking about. Someone heavy because usually, the boards don't creak when the teachers walk on them. Sometimes the sound comes from the Chem lab but often times, the Bio lab makes the most noise. Sometimes I would get up and walk to the labs to take a look, usually nothing of any paranormal sort appears. Sometimes I wish I am able to catch one in the act but I'd be too scared to even come back here then. And I'm using way too much sometimes !

My cat, Aboo is a contortionist. He has managed to escape the cage in which he's been kept in on many occasions. It's like you put him in the cage, lock it up and stuff and voila ! Five minutes later he'd be out meowing his little heart's content. Actually part of the cage has corroded and the metal fencing can be moved and my cat being a smarty pants has managed to use this oversight as an escape route. Ingenious ! Now, why didn't I ever come up with something like that ?

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