silentscream Search

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I have Forensic Chemistry class tonight. Although I felt that I shouldn't bother turning up, my conscience would berate me for wasting precious resources. Like time. And money. I've read the text and the notes and figured, this is definitely something I would give my best in. I'm having positive vibes but then again the brightness dimmed slightly when I remember how boring the local counsellor was. Yes, the same boring, read-word-for-word-from-the-slides cousellor for Pharmacology. Tell me, why do they put in the most boring teachers for the most interesting modules ? Is it because they figured that since the modules are already interesting enough, it is okay to have a slightly boring counsellor/lecturer/teacher ? It's not fair ! They should make these modules even more interesting, right ? So as to sustain the interest level !
So anyway, I will go and hope that the class would end slightly early .... American Idol is on tonight. I hope Leah LaBelle gets the boot !

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