silentscream Search

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

"Most probably dead tissue. Don't worry, any foreign particles will be expelled out eventually. Take for example road traffic accidents survivors. Not possible to remove small pieces of glass from every part of the body."

And here I am thinking, that's because you guys, doctors, don't know where each minute piece of glass is, right ? In my case, I know where it is. Like, duh ! So there you have it, once again my concerns over my hand has been dismissed. And maybe, guess what ? Two weeks from now, another glass shard may emerged and then I can go back and say, "I told you so !"

As always, Pharmaco was s*** ! I closed my eyes a couple of times and it felt good. Her voice drowsing half the class, anyway. We couldn't wait for the clock to strike 10 ! Sheesh .... Where do they find these people ? Oh, one more thing, she made a boo-boo last night. Mixed up the pH values of acids and bases. Her credibility slipped another rung, mans. Come on, if you are teaching Chemistry based subjects, no way in heaven (hell ?) could you ever, ever confuse the pH of acids and bases. It's like ingrained into a Chemistry student's life. Well, at least the serious ones. It's like the air we breathe. Acids have pH below 7, 7 being neutral and bases have pH above 7. Easy, peasy. No way, no how you can ever confuse those two. Okay, I'm rambling now. Will shut up now.

My new PC !!!! *drools*

Almost took an MC today to do a little bit of exploration of the gorgeous machine. My printer rocks !!!!! So does my speakers !!! Arrrgghhhh ..... I want to go home now and sit in front of it. Even to just play a game or two or watch a movie or two. I need to install MS Office and my external modem connection. No matter, I think it will keep me entertained for a while. *winks*

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