silentscream Search

Saturday, March 06, 2004

What am I doing here ?

This question and more has been wrecking havoc in my mind. And with so much time to kill, this has left me in the quest for answers. I am scared of what "solutions" I can finally come up with. My life is such that hopes and ideals galore but with little results. I don't know if I can make it through what I'd chosen. Sometimes I wonder why am I so stubborn. Why do I insist on following through with something that might not work. I just know that I don't want to be a quitter (or shirker in the words of my Sec 4 English teacher). I don't want to disappoint even if that might mean I am unhappy. I am swimming in too much self pity.

Time to stand back and distance myself away from me. I need to look at me from outside me. I need a new lease of hope and inspiration. I need something new to distract me for a while. Remind me to get new batteries for my sister's old virtual pet.

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