silentscream Search

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

People might think I'm making this up. Trying to get a little more attention over my plight. But I seriously think this is the real thing.

Remember the hand wound I mentioned a few weeks ago ? Well, I think there might be one or two more glass fragments embedded in my flesh. How did I know this ? Well, there is this bump in the middle of the healed wound (cut ?). People told me not to worry, it could just be a piece of necrotic tissue, since the trauma was pretty deep. But why does it ache everytime I poked it in a little deeper ? And when I press the surrounding tissue, why is there a sharp pain registered to my nerve centre ? Really. I am so not making this up. Gonna have to have the bugger x-rayed just to make sure everything's okay. Damn .... Health wise, this might not be such a good year for me. Way too many scares !

I have Pharmacology tonight. Just thinking about what had transpired previously caused me to break into periodic yawns. And Kavitha's on the night shift today. No kaki !!! :O(

No matter, I shall persevere. Must not let Kavitha down in the note taking department ! About the above, I know I am such a baby. But well, I R E A L L Y am not making this hoo-ha up. Swear.

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