silentscream Search

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Life is strange indeed. People you meet now might not be the people you can hang out with forever. Take for example the friends I'd made in Poly. What happened to Wah Ying ? And Hidayah for that matter ? We were so tight back in Poly, but when the graduation date came and went, where are they all now ? Granted I acted like a complete bitch just before we went our separate ways but hey, every girl is entitled to her bitchiness, right ?

Okay, the main purpose of this post in not to lament my lack of social etiquette. Rather, I want to say that life is full of unpredictability. And how the people in your life can come and go. That the people whom you barely gave a cursory glance your way could have made such an impact on how your life turns out. I admit, I'm a bit of a herder. In a sense, I rarely make friends outside of the original clique. And that is because of my shyness. Yes, people I am shy. I rarely seek friendship but when I do, I keep them for life. Sad to say, not all of them want me to be in theirs.

If I go to a shrink, I'd probably be told I'd some complex and deep issues to resolve. And no, spilling it all for the whole world to see is not a solution. I need to go deep inside, reach for whatever that dissatisfaction is and take action. Frankly speaking, it's not as easy as deep reflection. First, I need to identify if I really do have "issues". Second, I need to know the source of the "issues". And finally, either be happy with the "issues" or resolve them. I am still in denial.

That being the case, I have nothing more to say. A shout out to these two very special people in my "virtual life", Elaine and Kavitha. You guys rock, thanks for giving me another chance to get to know you. I promise I won't screw up.

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