silentscream Search

Wednesday, July 02, 2003


Below is the result of this.

hey hel, thats not fair. u couldve called me too u noe. and id only started writing in my blog like a few days ago.
From: Fie 20:38 27/6/03
How do you want me to respond? Fact is i know u guys are bz but everytime i msg u peeps seem disinterested. So y bother right?

From: Fie 21:06 27/6/03
Doesn't mean it's not groundless! Are we having our first major fight?

u call THIS a fight? haha. this is barely even a disagreement. wot r u doin?
From: Fie 21:10 27/6/03
Shucks! Guess i have to polish up my skills to rile u up. But i still am offended that i seem so insignificant to u.

wuts make u say that? i thot its a norm 4 us to drift a little bit apart esp. when we have our own things to do. but u noe as well as i do tt we'll never ever..
From: Fie 21:28 27/6/03
totally lose contact. we'll bond back no matter wot. n u noe tat if u need me ill always come running.
From: Fie 21:29 27/6/03
How would i know that. We never ever set anything in stone. Yes maybe once we were like that but now i can never be sure.

now tat ure bein v. negative. anyway u cant say i din try either. d last i remembered, i ask u out too. gi town? n u said u had to paint ur room..
From: Fie 21:35 27/6/03
Oh so now i am at fault for not going out to the frigging town? Thanks but no thanks. I don't wanna be a sub for ur time.

oh ok. its not ur fault. its totally mine of course.
From: Fie 21:59 27/6/03
Sarcasm gets u nowhere young lady. Fine be that way. Cant be bothered anymore. See u whenever.

whenever... so like next wk? watch full throttle? eheh.
From Fie 22:02 27/6/03
Sorry cant. My new policy: decline invitations no matter from whom. Stay home and be a recluse. No one cares anyway.

aw come on. lighten up. since when r u hermit the crab anyway?
From: Fie 22:06 27/6/03
Never but intend to be.

aw. koochi koochi koo?
From: Fie 22:08 27/6/03
Whatever. I am determine to be in a foul mood today.

ok! ill sms u tomm!
From: Fie 22:15 27/6/03

The next morning.

goood morning! eheh.
From: Fie 8:21 28/6/03
Oh hi. Not so good but can be better morning. Hey u dont have to placate me. Just let me stew.

i would, cept i dunno what placate means! u working today?
From: Fie 8:24 28/6/03
Not funny. You're the one with the extensive grammar. Yeah on the bus on the way to work.

ok. hey im involved in the JOB & SKILLS UPGRADE fair @toa payoh. so if u r really2 bored, come on down! will b there frm 11am to 3pm.
From: Fie 8:28 28/6/03
Yikes cant. Got a lunch appointment. Then I'm off to my cuz's wedding. Didnt wanna go but my mom made me or else...

ok. next time mebbi.
From: Fie 8:53 28/6/03

Talk about faith in your friends....

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