silentscream Search

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Too busy thinking about my baby

If I'd activated the title header, this post would read Too busy thinking about my baby. In fact since the beginning of this month, all my posts were titled. All the titles are the titles of Steps' and H & Claire's songs. It seems as though all these songs totally relate to the content of my posts. Or.... Maybe my line of thinking and writing was aligned to the headers ? Maybe, but it's a nice thought anyways. Just a tribute to the greatest pop group in the last decade. Yeah, loved them to bits...

Anyway, the baby in question is of course .... hmm .... what, ah... ?

No matter, just to show the world I am alive and well ...

Mr Bed is calling me. One must always heed Mr Beddy Bed ....

G'nite, peeps .....

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