silentscream Search

Monday, July 28, 2003

Hand on your heart

Today is photo taking day for the school. Where students as well as faculty members, dressed up real nice, smiled real big, and posed. So, gone were my usual get up of t-shirts and cargo pants. Welcome pretty blouse and slimming pants (forget heels, event was not big enough to "kill" my feet). So anyway, I smiled. And smiled. And smiled. And smiled. I had to take this massive staff photo with all teachers and non-teaching staff (Corporate & General Offices staff). It was just one bloddy photo but there were like 4 bloddy clicks.

So there I was standing on the stage, with Steph on my left and a teacher on my right (I'd forgotten her name), smiling my most natural smiles. The stage felt like it was gonna give way any second and I can feel beads of perspiration running down the side of my head. Wisps of my hair tried to free themselves from the bun I'd tied. My face felt like it's been deep fried and my smile felt like falling. The photographer then said, "2 more shots, stay, stand still." Or something to that effect. Oh, God ! Thou shalt not call my name in vain

So anyway, my face felt like cracking, my smile turning to a frown and I am like thinking, "Tom Cruise is smiling at me. Gotta smile back. Not gonna close my eyes. Damn! Stupid flash just blinded me." But hell, who am I kidding, that guy's no TC, (this always help to keep my smile up and my eyes open, not easy considering the size of my cheeks), I am one big idiot. Then he said, "Right, all done." Or something to that effect. And I quickly turn right to get off the wobbly platform.

Another year of taken shots. Another picture of my big grinning idiotic face. We'll see if we can improve next year.

That is if I'm still here. Insya Allah.

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