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Thursday, July 31, 2003

Love's got a hold on my heart

Okay, I admit I fib a lot. And I can do it without batting my eyelids.

I am really pretty good at it too.

First of .... I wanna apologise to Samuel. If you find the contents of this entry offensive, sorry, it's not true. Never will be.

So, anyway, two people in my office decided to get together. The irritating bit is that, since these 2 hook up, the rest were trying to matchmake all the single girls. And you guys know that I am single. So to prevent from being set up on a blind date, I told them that I am with somebody. So of course they just had to ask with whom. The first thought that came through was that he will be leaving for the UK soon. And that he's my poly classmate. And so of course they had to ask how long we'd been together. I said since the final year in poly. So again they asked why didn't I go over with him. I replied that he offered to pay but I decline the offer. And then they asked which race, Chinese I said. And Christian. Who will not convert, as I won't too. This ploy is to stop them from asking when my wedding date will be.

Even though I did not named names, the person sounds familiar, right ?

I just have to get this off my chest and head. So that I can forget how reckless I can be. And lying..... is so not my thing.

Right, dear Samuel ???

Monday, July 28, 2003

Hand on your heart

Today is photo taking day for the school. Where students as well as faculty members, dressed up real nice, smiled real big, and posed. So, gone were my usual get up of t-shirts and cargo pants. Welcome pretty blouse and slimming pants (forget heels, event was not big enough to "kill" my feet). So anyway, I smiled. And smiled. And smiled. And smiled. I had to take this massive staff photo with all teachers and non-teaching staff (Corporate & General Offices staff). It was just one bloddy photo but there were like 4 bloddy clicks.

So there I was standing on the stage, with Steph on my left and a teacher on my right (I'd forgotten her name), smiling my most natural smiles. The stage felt like it was gonna give way any second and I can feel beads of perspiration running down the side of my head. Wisps of my hair tried to free themselves from the bun I'd tied. My face felt like it's been deep fried and my smile felt like falling. The photographer then said, "2 more shots, stay, stand still." Or something to that effect. Oh, God ! Thou shalt not call my name in vain

So anyway, my face felt like cracking, my smile turning to a frown and I am like thinking, "Tom Cruise is smiling at me. Gotta smile back. Not gonna close my eyes. Damn! Stupid flash just blinded me." But hell, who am I kidding, that guy's no TC, (this always help to keep my smile up and my eyes open, not easy considering the size of my cheeks), I am one big idiot. Then he said, "Right, all done." Or something to that effect. And I quickly turn right to get off the wobbly platform.

Another year of taken shots. Another picture of my big grinning idiotic face. We'll see if we can improve next year.

That is if I'm still here. Insya Allah.

Friday, July 25, 2003


Earlier today was Games' Day in my school.

The students were let off at around 1.45 pm.

Most teachers were gone by 2 pm.

Admin staff have to work the full day.

I am now waiting for the City Harvest Group to come for their practical session.

They would finish by 6 pm, earliest.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Happy go lucky

When we were young, we had silly ideals about how things work.

I certainly did and remember it so vividly. I used to think that the songs coming out from the radio is actually sung by the singers live. Yeap, like the deejays invite the singers to come in and like sing there and then. Not just their songs but the songs sung by others. I guess my rationale for that is that sometimes when you hear a song at a point in time, it sounded so perfect. When the song is played again. say later in the day, it sounded horribly wrong (Because the deejays do invite other singers to take turns to sing, "live"). Sometimes, I get the idea, the deejays were actually the ones singing all the bloddy songs !

I don't remember when I grew out of this thinking, though. Musta been the time when I was called "stupid", "dumb" & "ignorant". Oh, well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

My best friend's girl

So yeah, just need to spread this message to the masses subtly.

Alex & Emma sucks.

Subtlety is so NOT my strongest point.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Deeper shade of blue

So everything worked out well for Saturday. I went to the movies, I did not meet Fie, booked my Advanced Theory for August 19th, bought sushi (almost 40 bucks worth) dinner, contemplated meeting Samuel for dinner to discuss my UCAS application, watched my taped shows and slept early. How early ? Well, I think it was before 11 pm. Long day. It was nice meeting Shaheeda. Really nice.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Beauty and the beast

I have done something horribly disgusting.

From the top.

Basically, I've made a date to meet Shaheeda so that we can book our Advanced Theory Test date together. It's tomorrow. After that I made no other plans because Shaheeda wasn't free to hang out. So with that in mind, I then made plans with my colleagues to go catch Alex & Emma in town (possibly ??). So then yesterday a light bulb came on and I asked Sha if she wanted to meet up with Fie and I tonight. She said she has to tutor and suggested yesterday's night. I said, short notice but might be possible. So I texted Fie. Waited for response for sometime, then got back to Sha, saying that Fie is MIA. I asked how, she said next week then. Finally received replies from Fie at 6-ish. She said her phone's reception at work is terrible. By the time I received them, I was already home, so there is that.

Anyway, we texted each other and she suggested we go out tomorrow. I said I made plans with my colleagues and invited her to come catch the movie. She said anything, but I felt bad and told her I'd cancelled on my colleagues. So just now when I messaged that I want to cancel, I received no replied. Seemed like I've been given the cold treatment. I guess it's all my fault for agreeing to two dates for the same afternoon. So like, I'm thinking, maybe I can join my colleagues for drinks and then blow them off to meet Fie. Or like, I join them for movies and meet Fie later ? But Fie would like have to wait and that bites. So the only real possibility is to drag Fie to the movie and say my goodbyes later.

It's all about compromise, you see.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Last thing on my mind

I had an early night last night. Lights out by 21 00 hours. Reason ? Ayu did not visit.

It was a good because, I really looked like a Mama Panda. No joke !

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Too busy thinking about my baby

If I'd activated the title header, this post would read Too busy thinking about my baby. In fact since the beginning of this month, all my posts were titled. All the titles are the titles of Steps' and H & Claire's songs. It seems as though all these songs totally relate to the content of my posts. Or.... Maybe my line of thinking and writing was aligned to the headers ? Maybe, but it's a nice thought anyways. Just a tribute to the greatest pop group in the last decade. Yeah, loved them to bits...

Anyway, the baby in question is of course .... hmm .... what, ah... ?

No matter, just to show the world I am alive and well ...

Mr Bed is calling me. One must always heed Mr Beddy Bed ....

G'nite, peeps .....

Friday, July 11, 2003

I know him so well

I made a new friend yesterday. I was bathing when I received the first text message (no, I did not bring my cell into the bathroom). In fact 3 messages were waiting for my perusal. One was from Wah Ying, another from my cuz, Saliha and the 3rd one (actually this was first message received...) was from this friend. It said, "Are you helena?"... And here I am thinking, "Hmm....that's weird. Wonder if it's Kavitha." Well, her name popped into my head because we recently made contact and so I thought she just got my number from dear Samuel. So I replied, "Yeah. Who is this?". And so one message lead to another and then presto.... I made a new friend. Initially I thought it was a prank because I can name a few people who would love to get back at me. Not that I am that much of a prankster. Just.... You know, the fun factor. *winks*

Anyhow, WY's message was to ask if I'd be interested to join a get together today. I was thinking of giving it a miss but I open my big mouth (actually, I texted) and asked if Samuel wanna go. He said he might go if his presence is not shunned by the rest. I said (my big mouth came into play) I will go if he's going and guess what ? He is. So I can't wriggle out of this date. Hmmm... Damnation... ?

So well, I will go... As soon as I'm done here. At work.

Now I have to get back to calculating the results of the teachers' survey. As in students fill up a feedback form of the teachers that taught them. Sure reminds me of my poly days when we gave bad comments and grading for lecturers who "tekan" us. Harhar... Thank goodness I hate teaching....

Thursday, July 10, 2003


I have just polished off a piece of choc. Now I feel a little sick. The kinda you get when you had too much milky stuff. The choc was good, there were nuts sprinkled on top. And loads and loads of choc. *groans*

I keep telling myself, I have just gotta write in here. Must......write......or.........else........must.....write........

So Jer got the b-dae card I sent her. She got it yesterday and texted me to tell me she received it. I like surprises like that. Although I have to keep pinching myself to stop me from blabbing it all to her. But it was good. This feeling. Hehe... Must be the choc talking now..

Been busy helping people from the other departments. Not that I am not willing, it's just that I know being a Jane of all trades would make me a mistress of none. Anyway, will have to cut short my inconsequential natter. It's been raining on and off throughout the day now, my bladder is giving me grieve. Gotta go appease it before I go off or else the bus journey would be one hellish ride. Pack my stuff then I'm outta this hell hole I've put myself in.

P/S: I am kidding, I love the hell I'm in....

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Better the devil you know

I am officially in H - E - L - L !!!!!

My eyelids felt like they have been infused with lead. My mouth felt like it had been filled with cotton (none of the candy sort). My brain wanted to give up functioning. I want to curl up in a fetal position and close my eyes. *yawns* *stretch*

I pay the price for sleeping at 1 am and waking up at 6 am. And today is the day when I leave at 6-ish (most often than not, it will be almost 7 pm when I make my move).

Indecision. I want to go to Far East Plaza KFC to apply for a part time job. Do I need another job ???

Books. You guys should read Prey by Michael Crichton. Damn good read (reason why I slept late last night. Was trying to finish the story, couldn't "lights off" if I didn't !) !!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Summer of love

These past few days, I've noticed the flowers in bloom. All the rich hues of red, pink, yellow, orange and violet. Especially if you travel along the ECP, there is this type of plant that flowers really magnificiently. When it's in bloom, nothing can stop the array of colours. It's a pretty common plant here in Singapore. You can find it most often at the sides of the overhead bridges. The sad thing is I don't know it's name. It has got very thin branches with thorns. The leaves are light green, almost heart shape. The flowers are pretty fragile and can be crushed easily. Not forgetting the lilies. Wait..... Are there even lilies planted at the side of the roads here ???

Sunday, July 06, 2003

5, 6, 7, 8.

So didja notice the date this post was written... ???

Didja... ? Didja.... ??? *winks*

Yups, it's a Sunday. On a weekend, I am writing in my blog page. Which means that I am not at work. Which also means that my computer is up and running... !!! And it's not literal. I have my IT back again, yay.. !!!

My room is still half decent. I have yet to move the tv in. Arrgghh... Just felt too lazy to heave heavy objects. Doctor's orders.... *winks*

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Here and now

What was yesterday's post all about... ? What's up with this girl, man ? Did someone nicked her brains while she was sleeping ? What could she possibly be thinking when she posted that stuff ? Did she have any brains / thoughts at all ???

I took a white pill to follow the red rabbit. Then I took another white pill and this time I was chased by the blue rabbit.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003


Below is the result of this.

hey hel, thats not fair. u couldve called me too u noe. and id only started writing in my blog like a few days ago.
From: Fie 20:38 27/6/03
How do you want me to respond? Fact is i know u guys are bz but everytime i msg u peeps seem disinterested. So y bother right?

From: Fie 21:06 27/6/03
Doesn't mean it's not groundless! Are we having our first major fight?

u call THIS a fight? haha. this is barely even a disagreement. wot r u doin?
From: Fie 21:10 27/6/03
Shucks! Guess i have to polish up my skills to rile u up. But i still am offended that i seem so insignificant to u.

wuts make u say that? i thot its a norm 4 us to drift a little bit apart esp. when we have our own things to do. but u noe as well as i do tt we'll never ever..
From: Fie 21:28 27/6/03
totally lose contact. we'll bond back no matter wot. n u noe tat if u need me ill always come running.
From: Fie 21:29 27/6/03
How would i know that. We never ever set anything in stone. Yes maybe once we were like that but now i can never be sure.

now tat ure bein v. negative. anyway u cant say i din try either. d last i remembered, i ask u out too. gi town? n u said u had to paint ur room..
From: Fie 21:35 27/6/03
Oh so now i am at fault for not going out to the frigging town? Thanks but no thanks. I don't wanna be a sub for ur time.

oh ok. its not ur fault. its totally mine of course.
From: Fie 21:59 27/6/03
Sarcasm gets u nowhere young lady. Fine be that way. Cant be bothered anymore. See u whenever.

whenever... so like next wk? watch full throttle? eheh.
From Fie 22:02 27/6/03
Sorry cant. My new policy: decline invitations no matter from whom. Stay home and be a recluse. No one cares anyway.

aw come on. lighten up. since when r u hermit the crab anyway?
From: Fie 22:06 27/6/03
Never but intend to be.

aw. koochi koochi koo?
From: Fie 22:08 27/6/03
Whatever. I am determine to be in a foul mood today.

ok! ill sms u tomm!
From: Fie 22:15 27/6/03

The next morning.

goood morning! eheh.
From: Fie 8:21 28/6/03
Oh hi. Not so good but can be better morning. Hey u dont have to placate me. Just let me stew.

i would, cept i dunno what placate means! u working today?
From: Fie 8:24 28/6/03
Not funny. You're the one with the extensive grammar. Yeah on the bus on the way to work.

ok. hey im involved in the JOB & SKILLS UPGRADE fair @toa payoh. so if u r really2 bored, come on down! will b there frm 11am to 3pm.
From: Fie 8:28 28/6/03
Yikes cant. Got a lunch appointment. Then I'm off to my cuz's wedding. Didnt wanna go but my mom made me or else...

ok. next time mebbi.
From: Fie 8:53 28/6/03

Talk about faith in your friends....

Tuesday, July 01, 2003



I am taking time off today.

Gonna go shopping !!!

Really need new work pants. And tops too.

More tomorrow.