silentscream Search

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

My Steps CD just came in.....

Yay... !!!!! So damn happy...! My first international online order ! Harhar...Watch out world, I can spend...!

(Yeah, right... More likely watch out bank account, prepare to come face to face with the bottom of the well...!)

The CD is The Last Dance. The reason I got it from UK is because, locally the CD is sold as a single CD. Whereas in UK, it's a double CD. And it cost me less than 30 Sing bucks including shipping and handling. Real good deal...! Wouldn't have bought it online if I can get it, here, right?

Hmm...gonna spend months listening to both CDs.

I was also looking for Fat Boy Slim's You've Come A Long Way, Baby and The Matrix soundtrack in the stores here. Couldn't find it. So I decided to get my friends studying overseas (namely, Australia and New Zealand) to help me obtain them there. Kind Rozana said she doesn't mind burning the CDs for me (she has them...yay !!!!) and can ask her friend who will be coming back later this month to hand them over to me. Double yay !!!!!

So in terms of CD acquisition, today is a DAMN good day !!!!

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