silentscream Search

Monday, June 30, 2003

Another you another me


What a day it has been for me. You guys must know what it's like when it's a crisis management kinda day, right? Well, an almost crisis happened to me earlier. Remember I was telling you on how I was the one handling the GCE Level registration ? I thought the nightmare has long left me, but boy, oh boy, was I so wrong !

Today I found out there was some kind of screw up involving 3 students. And where did the screw up start ? The very beginning. Har...! Right now I am waiting for a phone call which will try to resolve part of this mess. Yes, I am staying in later than usual. Earlier I took time off, to go at 4 o'clock. When I realised that this unknotting of the thread is going to take sometime, I cancelled my time off. Arrgghhh....I could have reached home by now. Go down to the photo shop and develop my film. The photos I took for yesterday's wedding. Wonder how it will turn up. Also not to forget the photos I took at Louisa's wedding which was like 2 months back.

I have finally finished painting my room. Yesterday I found out that Ju (my cousin) also had her room painted lilac. So much for the uniqueness (sort of defeats the purpose because the paint was store bought. Hence, mass made. No such thing as individuality !)..... All I have to do now is to make my room a more habitable place. Put my computer back inside. Add a tv. Tidy up my book case. Then I am home free.

The call is still not in yet. ARRGGGHHH.....

How long should I stay ? Should I call back ?

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