silentscream Search

Friday, June 06, 2003

Damnation.... !!!!

My computer connection is damn bloddy slow... ! Wonder what's wrong with the school server... ???

No matter. Since yesterday, I have picked up the pieces of my life (Wah, so dramatic...) and I have decided to start afresh. I can't go back to the past and get my grades changed. At the back of mind, I always knew I never wanted to further my education locally (yeah, disgruntled, rejected applicant). If I'd wanted to, I'd gone on and taken my 'A' levels when the opportunity presented itself. Or even if I'm desperate for a Bachelor, I'd gone on and taken up the teaching option (which is, like, so yucks !). So here I am trawling the web for the other options. And the stupid server is not making it any easier. Maybe it's a sign telling me to do my research at home... ???

Talking of my home PC, I was so tempted to change machine yesterday. Reason ? I went to the PC Show 2003 at Singapore Expo and fell in love with a HP Pavillion PC. Damn !!! Aesthetic features, chockful of wonderful softwares, big memory, expeditious speed, whoah.... I was totally mesmerised. And the best bit, price is at S$2,199 only. Just for the duration of the show. So, right now I am wrestling with myself whether to get it or not.... I love my PC but it's like a turtle in the era of the hare. It does its job and since I did spent like 80 bucks for a new modem and ethernet card for my turtle a 2 months ago, getting a hare is like, hmmm...shortchanging my turtle. Poor munchkin.... !

Anyways, worse comes to worse, I'd just upgrade the RAM speed and HDD. Add another drive (or two) and my turtle would be a pseudo hare. Worth it ? *shrugs* Have to get the opinions of people who has the knowledge. Until then, I must remember not to throw away money like trash. So many things to get, so little cash to spare. Err... I might look for a part time job to supplement my wants. My needs are already taken care of. But then again, am I clear over my wants and my needs ??? Life is so tough. Decisions after decisions to be made. Life is madness and I am mad. Which means, I am life ??? Or the madness of life is just for me ???


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