silentscream Search

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tired. No, plain exhausted !

And I didn't even have to work today.

I have just reached home from the library. Borrowed 8 books, managed to find a Jane Green (The Other Woman), Freya North (Love Rules), Jonathan Kellerman (Rage), Jenny Colgan (Where Have All The Boys Gone ?) and Louise Bagshawe (Monday's Child). All serious books. Okay, some more than the others.

After breaking fast, I quickly made my way down to prevent additional fines. So now that I am back, a quickie post, a quickie meal and a long, languorous reading time.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I am on leave

On leave, you say ?

Yesh, yesh ...

Boy am I glad to be away from work on the first day I start my fast. I don't think I could have stand the acclimatising of my body to go without food or drink in front of the public.

I'd just die !

Hahaha ... Dramatics, that honey, I am never short of.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Isn't she lovely ?

Well, well ... Blogger had finally decided to allow me to post sometime tonight. I had been waiting for the page to load for 10 minutes at least. Horrid. *shakes head*

So anyways, I left my work place less than 2 hours ago. Make that an hour, twenty minutes ago. I was all tied up in completing my outstanding tasks to even bother to look at the clock. As always, I was the last one to leave the office. Seeing that I will be on leave tomorrow, I just had to burn my midnight oil so as not to delay my colleagues' tasks.

I am considerate like that. Silly, you may think. There I was stuck in the office for more that 12 hours just so I can take a full day off tomorrow.

Ahah .. ! You don't know. That if I had opted for a half day leave, I will be at work for the whole day.

Ah wells, the story of my life. :D

One plus point though, I will finally join the rest of my sisters and brothers in observing the holy month of Ramadhan. Auntie Rosie's visit had finally ended *YAY !*. Abstinence, major key word. No more coffee, ahhhh ... My one and only true love now. :)

Right then. I had better end this here. I am in the middle of composing an email to R with regards to some outstanding things for tomorrow. I have faith everything will go without a hitch.

Everybody now, generate the positive thinking.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Johnny Mathis ~ Misty

Look at me,
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud
I can't understand,
I get misty just holding your hand.

Walk my way,
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hello
That music I hear,
I get misty the moment you're near

You can say that you're leading me on
But it's just what I want you to do
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm following you.

On my own,
Would I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my right foot from my left,
My hat from my glove,
I'm too misty, and too much in love.

Herman's Hermits ~ Mrs Brown

Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Girls as sharp as her are somethin' rare
But it's sad, she doesn't love me now
She's made it clear enough it ain't no good to pine

She wants to return those things I bought her
Tell her she can keep them just the same
Things have changed, she doesn't love me now
She's made it clear enough it ain't no good to pine

Walkin' about, even in a crowd, well
You'll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud

If she finds that I've been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I'm well and feelin' fine (feelin' fine)
Don't let on, don't say she's broke my heart
I'd go down on my knees but it's no good to pine

Walkin' about, even in a crowd, well
You'll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud

If she finds that I've been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I'm well and feelin' fine (feelin' fine)
Don't let on, don't say she's broke my heart
I'd go down on my knees but it's no good to pine

Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter

Johnny Mathis ~ Chances Are

Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin
The moment you come into view,
Chances are you think that I'm in love with you.
Just because my composure sort of slips
The moment that your lips meet mine,
Chances are you think my heart's your Valentine.


In the magic of moonlight,
When I sigh, "Hold me close, dear,"
Chances are you believe the stars
That fill the skies are in my eyes.

Guess you feel you'll always be
The one and only one for me
And, if you think you could,
Well, chances are your chances are awfully good.

(Instrumental interlude and pick up at the bridge.)

In the magic of moonlight,
When I sigh, "Hold me close, dear,"
Chances are you believe the stars
That fill the skies are in my eyes.

Guess you feel you'll always be
The one and only one for me
And, if you think you could,
Well, chances are your chances are awfully good.

I gotta wait for the Summer

Bad blood had been brewing in the office for the past few days. A witch hunt was triggered and a certain someone was out for blood.

However today, it seems as though the storm's over.

Everyone expected a showdown ala a Western flick. And nothing happened...

No confrontations, no shouting, no fighting.

It's a good thing because at the very least that someone was calm and rational. Shit happens all the damn time. Move on. Get over it. Whatever it may be.

There is no point in losing your temper. People might just view you as a mental case.

The best option is to keep oneself to oneself.

C'est la vie !

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Puss in boots

I have a number of chores to settle this week. This includes returning the books I'd finished reading. I am taking quite sometime to complete all 8 books. Still stuck at my 7th and barely started on the last one.

Anyways, I have been trying to spend more time with my niece. I miss her loads.

So here I am sitting in front of the computer listening to a few episodes of the "Once Upon A Time .. " stories. She's been asking a whole lot questions and I'm trying to explain it to her in Malay. A language she understands pretty well and one that I'd slowly lost grasp in. Funny, this is supposed to be my mother tongue. Harhar ... Who's laughing now ?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Too real is this feeling of make believe

And the winner was announced.

Going by the initials H.M., expectations that he would be crowned were pulsating in the air.

Then he was announced as the victor.

J.L. had to bow to him gracefully.

Ultimately we all know the deserving winner is the talent inherent in the last 2 finalists.

Enjoy, guys !

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wish upon a star

I've just finished watching the Grand Finals of the Singapore Idol contest. I must say, both finalists put up such convincing performances that chances of them both upstaging each other was zilch ! That said, the winner would have to be different from the first SI.

Well, we will know tomorrow evening when the phone lines close and the votes tallied.

Will we demand a recount ?

Will we want to see how the votes are divided ?

For more, "tune in" tomorrow. Until then, "Ta!"

No way to treat a lady

I'm not a complainer. I've learn to tough it up whenever I hurt. Even when I'm sick I refuse to take something for the pain. Right now my stomach's kinda going through a broiler. It could partly be the menstrual cramps and partly because of the junk I ate and also in part because I went off food today. Weird, huh ?

I looked over to my right, longingly at my mattress. But everytime I lie down, I am wracked from the sharp pains of my abdominal wall. I rub my tummy and the hurt disappears until I stopped the circular motions.

I never used to have any pains. I go through the monthlies relatively without any incidents or accidents. My hormones are out of whacked this month ? Perhaps.

Ah, mans. Perhaps the old remedy of hot water bottle will help. Wish me luck, guys.

Happy breaking fast, all !

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Good advice

Something I picked up while checking my email. Seems like good advice to me, especially these pointers below:

Don't Create a War Zone in Your Workplace

4. Taking credit for others' hard work
From time to time, one may need to work with several colleagues on any particular job or assignment. Should it happened that you were praised for a job well done, it would be good to share the glory with your team mates. If you make it look like you did it all on your own, your colleagues would probably avoid and dump you for good the next time you need their help.

5. Sharing dirty jokes
It's fine to tell a joke occasionally but not dirty jokes, especially to the opposite sex. It's not funny to find yourself accused of sexual discrimination by your colleagues one day.

6. Talking down to your colleagues
Even if you are a manager, do not talk down to your colleagues or subordinates. Your condescending attitude will cause them to resent you.

For more tips, please click the title link.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Can we try just a little bit longer?

So here I am again.

I've just finished my late night supper, trying to not fall asleep too soon after the meal.

I am sitting in front of the PC, trawling the internet for something to occupy time while the food gets settled in the stomach. Surfing to a number of sites to access some cool web games, aside from checking my email accounts and updating my blog.

Talk to me via MSN, people.

I am bored. Feeling a tad hot and bothered.

Chat me up.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Those rockin' good times

I met someone I have not heard from in the longest time on MSN this morning. I had always wondered what happened to her. After we graduated from TP, she seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Last I heard a few months after graduation was that her mother had suffered from a stroke and that she had to take care of her.

Then this morning I saw her online on MSN. So being the social (aka nosy) butterfly that I am, I started a conversation with her. She is well and her mother's better. Funny that we have never saw each other in all this time before even though we lived not that far apart. It's not as though she stays in the Northern part of this island and I am stuck at the Eastern side.

I am really glad that we chatted and caught up. Perhaps one day we may even be able to meet up with the rest of the gang. :D

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

She was too young to fall in love

Another late night for me today since I am on leave tomorrow. Blitzing through my books like there is no tomorrow.


There is a tomorrow. I am on leave !

So there.

Good night people. Sleep early !

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I am hitting the sack soon. I need to finish my books. I have absolutely no life.

I sure am in need of a good whack at the side of the head. :D

Monday, September 18, 2006

Some people's destiny, passes by

My elder sister's staying over tonight with her brood. I reached home from work to a very nice warm welcome from the kids. Ayu opened the metal gate, Ahmad called out, "Nnaaa !", Yayah went, "Aun-ty Li-na !" and Abi just gave me a super wide grin. What a sight to come home to after a really trying first day of the week !

I really heart my nieces and nephew.

Not to be outdone, three of my kitties followed me wherever I went. When I popped into the kitchen for a bit, Kiki ran after me. When I went to my room, Ranbow ran ahead of me. And now, Bujang's rubbing his body against my leg as I am writing this. Hmmm ... All the male cats are after me. Quite the pheromones I'm releasing. Hahaha ... Quite the catch I am !

I heart my cats, all 5 of them.

It really is true then. Young kids and pets are really good antidote for life's stresses.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Manhattan Transfer ~ On A Little Street In Singapore

On a little street in Singapore
With me - beside a lotus covered door
A veil of moonlight on her lovely face
How pale the hands that held me in embrace
My sails tonight are filled with perfume of shalimar
With temple bells that guide me to her shore
And then I hold you in my arms
And love the way I loved before
On a little street in Singapore
On a little street in Singapore
With me - beside a lotus covered door
A veil of moonlight on her lovely face
How pale the hands that held me in embrace

To commemorate the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group in Singapore

Thursday, September 14, 2006


My resolution until the end of this month:

Be nicer to people when I come back from leave.

I am such a b****. After my leave yesterday, I come back to office to a messier table and an irritating gnat. Arrgghhh ... Pissed ...

I would appreciate it if people would just give me space. I need to clear my table, my mailbox and stuff.

So, f*** off. Don't bother me with the silly things. Let me talk to you in my own time. And if I don't. Piss off.

As such. I must be nicer to people. Actions and not just words. No more griting of teeth. No more forced cordiality. Genuine niceness.

I will survive.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I am on leave today.

Clearing, clearing, cleared !

I have some more days of leave from last year to clear. Then I can move on to this year's. Freaking 16.5 days of annual.


Freak !

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Walk On By ~ Dionne Warwick

If you see me walking down the street
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by

Make believe
That you don't see the tears
Just let me grieve
In private cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
And walk on by (don't stop)
And walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by

I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem broken and blue
Walk on by, walk on by

Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on

Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
That's all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)

Now you really gotta go, so walk on by
(don't, don't stop)
Make believe you never see the tears I cry
(don't, don't stop)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wash away my sorrow, take away my pain

Ahhhh ...


Absolute bliss.

I've already made plans for my leave this coming Wednesday.

Then on Thursday evening I'd be meeting up with Kav. Poor dear was out for quite sometime because of her back. Apparently her lumbar shifted. I know, I know ... A pain is what it is.

So there, I've made plans for some days of the week. The rest ? I am still open for scheduling. Drop me a text message if any of you do miss me desperately. :D

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I long for yesterday

Today was a good day.

I woke up late, read, had a short nap, had a late meal, read, another nap and then tv time. Right now, I am watching Boston Legal on Ch 5. What a weird show.

Then it's bed time and wake up for another work day.

Today was a good day, no doubt about it.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The One You Really Want

Exhaustion !

Phew, what a day !

I went to The Book Warehouse Sale at Singapore Expo. Initially I thought it would be some crummy sale but it turned out to be the collection from Times Bookshop. Fiction paperbacks were going for 4 - 6 bucks and the hardbacks were going for 7 - 10 bucks a piece. I went around hoping to find TMOA or even any JM or SB books but sad to say all the bestsellers were not the ones on sale. Although I still managed to part with 20 bucks for 5 books. I got a Meg Cabot and a Fiona Gibson. Looks good. R managed to get a couple of books for his pals too. All in all not that lousy an afternoon. Oh. And R was a good company, I must admit.

On the way home, I popped by Ayu's Sports Day a few blocks away. Quite an athelete that niece of mine. Her team won second place in the hula-hoop event. Yay, for the munchkin. Now she's got a trophy to rival my plaque ! Har-har ...

Finally, I went to Bedok library. To return the dued books and also to borrow loads more. I have the timing to get fun reads down pat. Saturday at around 1845-ish is the perfect time to be in the library. Any earlier or later will result in all the good books being loaned out. Trust me. Once is a coincidence, twice is definitely not !

Exhaustion !

Not just from the non stop activity of zipping about but also from the remnants of last evening's games session. I need to sleep ! However, I really, really want to start on my books ! I absolutely cannot wait.

Oh, for the record I managed to find another JM's book during my visit to BECL. That makes it a hundred percent track record of finding her books during my visits. Does it mean there is another soul who is just as crazy for her books as I am ? *thinks*

Right then. Another long-ish post. Before I leave this world into the fiction realm, let me just wish Fie:


I miss you loads, when can we hang out ? Soon, please !

Friday, September 08, 2006

I roll the dice but never show my hand


That was some badminton game I had with Mr G. It got my heart pumping and my muscles flexing. All in all it was a great evening, to end an ordinary day. I finally found out what mini tennis was all about. Playing against Y was no easy task. Although it would be great if more of my work mates could join us for half an hour or so.

We (Y, R & R) started at about 1745 and played for about half an hour before Mr G came back from Changi and joined us. Towards the end, H joined us for a game of table tennis. Before we realised it, the time had gone quarter past 7 ! What a workout for the heart ! I wish, we could have this organised more often as participation in recreational sports would really be a good lesson in camaraderie among staff.

Afterall, part of the perks of working in a school is to be able to utilise some of the sports facilities. Perhaps another time we could have a game of pool or even have a swimming session at Mother's pool !

That's the way it should be

What a dreary day ! The haze hanging over the air adds that touch of doom and gloom. Just 3 days short of the momentous occasion in 2001. The year 2001 is memorable in more ways than just September 11.

It was the year Ayu was born. The year my elder sister got married. The year I graduated from TP. The year I joined SFMS.

Personally, year 2001 was a favourite of mine. It was the year I turned 20. The year when I realised that life is transitory. What you make of it is the choices you had taken or will take.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Two thumbs, leftie and rightie

Faster than you can say, "Korean Drama Serials" and I'm hooked.

The current favourite slot every week nights at 2200 hrs is My Lovely Samsoon, which is shown on Channel U.

After having watched only 2 full episodes back to back, I am 100% hooked, ain't no doubt about it. The witty lines and the telegenic leads just reel the viewers to another escapism outlet. It also helps to have a funky theme track with really cool songs featured in every episode.

Watch the dramedy before it ends next Thursday. Another 5 episodes to go. You can bet your bottom dollar I'd be looking for the VCD to catch the earlier missed episodes !

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Smiley faces all round

It is lunch time.

I am all alone in the office. BBS's on half day leave, JS's on medical leave, Ellen, R and Mr G are all out for their midday meal.

I am stoning in front of the computer, having the time of my life. Well, not exactly my life, of course. As you can see, I am rambling on.

I LOVE the term BREAKS !


Monday, September 04, 2006

The kids going, "NO !"

I'm stuffed. Cake and ice creams and spaghetti and waffles and slurpee .... YUMS !

So I will soon have a nice refreshing shower. Then I'm going to vegetate my brain cells. By going to bed early that is. Loads of work to complete tomorrow.

Birthday girl is having a good time. Both my sisters and their hubbies dropped by. All in all, quite a night. :D

Sunday, September 03, 2006

To a very special little person

It's Aaliyah's third birthday tomorrow. We will have cake and she will blow out the candles. All three of them. My sister will come over with the rest of her brood and my parents will smile benevolently as the kids tucked into the delicious food.

I will then be home and hand over the present to my lovely and absolutely favourite niece. She will tear into the wrapping and unearth ....

Tell me now, what should I get for a three year old little girl ?

Baby girl, your aunt loves you. Always know that when your chips are down or when you feel like no one understands nor care for you.

You are special, Aaliyah Shakira.

Happy Birthday !!!

My best wishes and prayers are forever with you.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Love, love me do

So here it is, a pix of my new love.

Enjoy !

Shop, shop, shop !

What a day ! What a night !

Let's just say, I had the best day in like so many months. As mentioned in the previous post, I started work early and office hours ended at half past midday. My plan was to go down to Holland V with my mom to scout around for an outfit to the Staff Dinner. Mom plead ill and so I went with Mother and Ian.

We had a blast ! Ian got him a couple of dressy shirts and Mother got her a pair of pants and skirt. Me ? I had the biggest haul ! A blowsy skirt for the dinner. Top it with a nice, white long-sleeved round necked and a jacket which was dark blue with white polka dots. Accessorised with lodestone and crystal blue beaded necklace and matching dangly earrings and my scruffy boots ! My pride and joy !

I also got me a couple of pairs of "home" shorts, work pants and get this, a pseudo afghan sweater. If I had been a little bit splashy, I would have gotten a red turtle-necked afghan sweater that just scream "Flashy!".

I had fun trying out the different skirts and dresses. Haha. To think I used to scoff at the very idea of wearing dresses. I was most definitely happy with the positive responses I received when I arrived at the restaurant with Y. You can say I was preening and loving the feel of the silky skirt on my bare legs. I think I might have been prancing about a little too much just to see the skirt move. Lovely.

The reason for the dressy affair was because I received my 5 year long service award. Haha. It's been 5 years since I started at SFMS as a lowly lab tech. Now look where I can be now. I am really thankful to my bosses for their confidence in my abilities. I didn't get to make a speech though there were a number of people whom I would thanked who had the presence of mind to allow me to grow. It was never easy but giving certain responsibilities can really test a person's mettle. I am glad I was able to provide a little help. :D

I know, I am writing a little too much for a really early morning post. I hope none of you had fallen asleep !

So anyways, I will try to get hold of some pix of earlier from R and R and link up here. Given the fact that I am rambling on now, I'd better sign off now. The effects of the walk from RELC to Forum is finally rearing its head, even after an extreme ice blended. I guess the adrenaline level is plummeting really fast and before I crash and bled out, Good night and Good luck !


Happy Teacher's Day to all my teacher friends and colleagues. I hope you guys have had as much fun as I did this year ! *beams*

Friday, September 01, 2006

As time goes by

What else is new ? It's the start of the school holidays and I am in the office almost at the same time as during the Term.

"Why does she always do that ? Is she so hardworking ? Or is it because she's trying to put everyone down with her so-called punctuality ?"

Let me just be fair to everybody who is dying to know. I like to be in the office early. I guess I like the solitude of not being in the midst of all those daily chaos. It's perhaps a throwback of my lab days. Working in the labs by myself, alone but not lonely. I like the quiet, you might say. And so, I come in early to be by myself. Not just to impress my Bosses or sneer at others who have trouble with concept of punctuality.

I do have my bad moments. I am not perfect, you know. I do come in a little late sometimes and I feel a whole lot of guilt, even though I think it's not really justified. Well, rational thoughts don't figure when you just realised you missed the bus, no ?

And definitely a plus point in coming in early to work ? I don't have to jostle with the other people, who also happen start work at 9, on the public transport. No peak hour period to avoid, journey's a bliss. All of the one and a half of them to reach the office.