silentscream Search

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I forgot to bring my mobile home in my hastiness to fly the coop last evening. The realisation dawned when I was getting ready for a quick lie down while waiting for CSI to start. First come panic, then worry.

Panic because I thought I might have dropped it somewhere along the journey home. Also, I thought somebody with a sleight of hand could have pinched it from by bag. Then when the heartbeat slowed down a tad bit, the worry crept in. How the hell am I supposed to wake up in time tomorrow for work ???

Then eveerything cleared and I figured my mobile could still be sitting in my drawer waiting for its owner to pick her up from the depths and darkness of the temporary cave. I ceased to worry because I can use my mom's mobile for a wake up call !

And hey, I really don't have to worry much because 1) I fell asleep really early (no more CSI nights for me !) and 2) My in built alarm clock woke me up at 4.00 am this morning !!!


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