silentscream Search

Monday, June 12, 2006

Speed + High = Drugs ?

I've got a few minutes left before I end the work day. All in all, quite a quiet day. Both BBB and BBS are on leave this entire week. And so, we are having a bit of a blast. Not possible to have too much blasting on the account the damages would be too great.

I am stoning so much and I've just realised I missed a Las Vegas episode last night due to my early night. Boo-hoo, right ?


My head's gonna explode soon, all this staring at the monitor business and the tremendous amount of filing to do is not helping. Aside from the sunny, sunny day, that is ! What ? No rain today ? *sad face*

I need a good lie down. Hmmm ... maybe I'll nap on the way home. Yeah, if I'm not tempted to finish reading Marian Keyes' Angels. Good book, Way funny. Funny har-har kind.


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