silentscream Search

Friday, June 02, 2006

Let me know when the sun comes up

I need to play nice. This past week I've been pretty much the socially challenged worker. All I can think about when I step in the office is "Must. Get. Work. Done." Then lunch, followed by, "Must. Get. Work. Done." And then it's 5.00 pm. And I can't wait to get out fast enough. I take the bus on the way home everyday because Mother always said, "Don't be a burden. Don't inconvenience anyone. Live."

The bus journey home maybe full of sights, delights and even acrid smelly stuff. But as I always am reminded by Mother, "Live."

So there I go again. Everyday, the same old journey. The same crass people you meet. The fake, plastic smiles you paint on your face. The same. The same. The same.

Truly. Live.

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