silentscream Search

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh, me and my life

I'd blogged earlier except I think blogger's site was under maintenance. Oh wells. Now's the same anyways.

I am early, early, early to the office today, being school busless and all. It was not too bad taking 67 very early in the morning. All the people whom I usually encountered were not up yet. And so the bus's freezing cold and odour free. Which is a bliss as I spent the whole ride listening to Gold 90.5 FM and reading my latest Marian Keyes acquisition. Not that I bought the book, just borrowed it from the school library.

Talking about borrowing books. I went nuts yesterday !

Yeah, well, what else is new some of you might ask. Okay, okay ... I know sometimes I may be a brick short of a wall but.

Anyways, back to my nuts story. I went to visit the library last evening on my way home and went nuts borrowing books ! I mentioned to Y a few days ago that our borrowing limit is doubled this month. She quipped that every holidays, they double your borrwing limit (this was news to me btw). Then she added, "No point since all the good books are not available." I went, "Hur-hur..."

But you know what ??? I found good books last evening ! I got a Jill Winters and Robyn Sisman latest ! Like how cool is that ???? Hahah ... Now who's getting the "Hur-hur ..."?

Oh, for the uninitiated, I am such a bookworm ...

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