silentscream Search

Monday, June 05, 2006

Life's a bitch

Then we wait for death. Bottomline, life's not fair and never will be. Sometimes you just wonder how is that some people are born with the silver spoon in their mouth. And then there are others who can't even afford a spoon, let alone a silver one.

Of all things in the world, I've always wondered at the unfairness of the universe. Probably, just a way to maintain balance I think.

I am sounding a tad jealous, aren't I ? Well, I can't help it if they flaunt their "skiving" in my face. Yeah, yeah. Live and let live.

So now I am getting ready to fly the coop. The coop that's kept me occupied for nearly 9 hours everyday. But then, that's life, no ?

And life's a bitch.

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