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Friday, April 28, 2006

Batman, Spiderman, Ali Baba - Chickenman!

The idea was to spend five idyllic days on an island other than the present. A boon or a cataclysm is depending on how you take it. Personally, I guess I would not do anything to change it. The people at work all thought I'd be out of this island and off to another but I guess the parents know better.

Was I disappointed ? Well, a part of me was a tad bit unhappy but I guess we (parents and I) could have gone for this short period of bliss and to come back and eat dust later. Literally this whole trip might set me back a grand plus. The parents figured, it's better we'd do something else with the dosh and so we had me a nice little family break at home. The nieces and nephew came by almost everyday since my leave started.

I did my share of looking after the kiddies. Playtime and tvtime and bathtime and mealtime, done 'em all. I must say, they certainly opened my eyes to a slight possibility of having kids of my own later on. Like the learned people always say, "Never write off what you have never known." Hear, hear to that.

And so, to keep the facade that I'm not on this island, I have basically NOT sign in to my MSN nor responded to any SMS from people at work. Hahaha ... Who am I kidding ? Anyways, I will come clean come Tuesday. But for now, sorry guys, I had to keep up the idea of not being available to keep some semblance of my leave, i.e. away from work.

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