silentscream Search

Monday, April 17, 2006

And then we played some more

Which should attest to the fact that sometimes in your work life, you don’t need much leave. Which will bring me to the topic of annual leave. Many times I’d wondered (or rather thought) about the leave that I’m entitled to. Each year, I know the leave entitlement is increased either by 0.5 or 1 day denomination. And since I did not take any leave entitled last year, my final total for this year is 32 days ! Count, them buddy ! Which brings me right about another long weekend for me next week.

I had applied for leave from the 26 to 28 April, 3 long days leading to the weekend. I was actually quite surprised this morning when I checked my mail to discover among the spam inherent in my mailbox, there was a gem in it ! My leave had been approved !! Imagine the joy and then multiply it by 10 because I just realised that the 1st of May is another public holiday ! And that I had planned a vacation well ! *pats*

Well, I can just hope there will be no last minute changes. My first long break from work in a long while, man, I do anticipate it !

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