silentscream Search

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

You will get a million kisses from me

For the past two days the people at work had been commenting on the state of my hair. Compliments or insults, I don't know. Comments ranging from, "You look different today", to "Did you have a haircut?", and "You've lost weight !!" were taken graciously. My mantra for all these comments were that I had parted my hair differently. From my usual middle parting to my right parting, my hair had finally listened to me afterall these months of trying to tame it !

Decided on a grunged look today and I think I pulled it off pretty well. It can be said, a tad to sad to look like one of the kids in school, but as you all know me, I dress for me. And for him too, of course !

Din-Dins even suggested that perhaps I should accesorise myself and put on a bit of makeup ! Hah ! To work ? No way ! As it is, I'm on the receiving end of ridicule from H and Ian. Thanks but no thanks, I'd told her !

All righty then. Need to make amends and "placate" him. The one I've neglected for the past few days while I was steaming in self pity. Heh !

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