silentscream Search

Monday, May 01, 2006

Blepharitis, hordeolum (stye) or chalazion ?

All good days must come to an end. Hence that is why people have to die. It's the cycle of life, the law of the land. And so, difficult as it is to leave the lazy days behind, I must.

Who else but me have to just check the work mailbox a day before coming back to work ? It sorta tempted me to go back and just finish all outstanding and pending cases. The heart goes pitter patter when I looked at the list of outstanding cases to be completed. I know, I know. I am repeating but ... *sighs*

Again, I should have kept my curiosity at bay and just wait until tomorrow.

Just found out that I am staying in an area not contested in the General Election 2006. Hah. And I thought I could go round and proclaim I do cast my first ever vote into the ballot box. What a pity. And I am of the young(er) generation whom some might label as apathetic. Well, us not being given a chance to prove otherwise. Oh wells ...

My gogglebox's been acting funny lately. All white screen and disappearing pictures. Time to purchase a new one, no ?

All right then. My muse had flown out of the window. I am gonna shower and hit the sack soon. Must psyche myself to wake up early fr work tomorrow. Loads of changes. Loads of changes ...

Oh, for the record, it's a stye on my right eye(lid) !

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