silentscream Search

Monday, April 10, 2006

Me and my life

I guess I can never be too careful. I feel a smidgen of hurt at the subtle snub I felt from Betty and Y. My lunch kakis had dwindled down to just myself and myself. Thank goodness Mother was still willing to accompany me. Well, I guess both Betty and Y are both very, very busy people. As for me, I have a bit of a breather since all my urgent application cases have sort of plateau down.

On the home front, things are not that good. My sister's getting engaged this Thursday and I heard from Mum that the solemnisation ceremony will be held in June. Guess what, then ? I am the last of the girls to give up my singlehood. I am not complaining because afterall, who likes to account your every whereabouts to a man. Just a mere man.

Oh wells. Life is without its sense of irony, no ?

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