silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Smileys and joys to all !

I wanted to write in at work last evening, you know just to relive the whole event. However, since Betty had to leave soon and I was swamped with last minute pointers to R, I had to quickly leave for home. A good thing too, since my sister was waiting for the "ATM" to reach home, so.

I am on leave for these 3 days and since my big birthday falls tomorrow, the peeps at work helped to celebrate it yesterday. Well, that was not the surprise. The surprise was in the gift ! Something I'd really, really want to have for the past few months ...

Xbox Super Heroes Pack !!! Yes, the one with Spiderman, Fantastic Four and X-Men games all in one pack for 99 bucks !!!

I'd searched almost everywhere within reason and it popped up in Hougang ! Thanks to the good detective job done by R and the travelling powers of Jeff ! And wanna know the icing on the cake (no pun intended, of course) was that the Speedpost guy was around to join in. Hahaha.

Thank you, you guys ! It was memorable, especially since you allowed me to sign on my own birthday cards. All 2 of them ! Plus the coffee cake. Mmmmmmm ...

Now, dear ... Let's see if you can top that ! *grins*

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