silentscream Search

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wait for me, for I may not have much time left.

I had dinner with the gals just now. It was really nice to be able to finally meet up and just be with the people who had known you since your hormonal teenage years.

Yeah, aside from your parents and sibs, no one will see you as you are when you are still discovering your life, boys and other interests. Lainey, Fie and Sha, my chums since I was 14, which was more than 10 years ago. The minute we met and the 'hellos' and 'how have you beens' have been dispensed with, it was as though we never had gone our separate ways.

Well, maybe we had, but rather then dwell on it, we decided that another time would have to be arranged, this time probably we might just have to include the other people whom we all love and love to hate when we were just a bunch of silly teenagers. It was a blast to have known them. Thank you for allowing me to show you guys your kindness in befriending me all these years.


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