silentscream Search

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Through to the quarterfinals ....

Yeah, that's the English side for you. They played a much better in the match earlier this morning. I caught the last half hour of the game and by then the scoreline was already 2-1 to England. After which Rooney scored and then I was wide awake. The guys were much more at home during today's game. Wonder if they can keep their cool in the Portugal meet. Afterall, they have nothing to lose, except for a few million disgruntled, rowdy fans from all over the world !

School's term will begin next Monday. What a short, short June break it was for me ! The days seemed to bleed into one another. Must have been the late nights as a result of Euro 2004. Mans, I have not even slacked enough in my prep room !

I was supposed to have an extra practical class this morning. But at around 9.30 am, the teacher in charge called to say the class has been cancelled because she was not feeling well. And I'd already prepared the solutions for her class ! Down the drain they will go. AGAIN ! You know, I am really sick and tired of the teachers wasting the chemicals here. Yeah, I know the school's paying for it but I'm under a stringent budget ! I cannot happily discard the unused portions of the solutions ! And the teachers here are a bunch of kiasus. Seemed to me everything had to be prepared in large quantities. If the student numbers are high, hell, I don't mind but otherwise, can you imagine how much is wasted ? I try to maybe save by asking them if they need the same solutions within the week and if they do, then good. If not, then down the sewage it goes !

Well, my new course term is starting soon. I'd better prepare myself mentally. Save me the hassles of unnecessary bitchings later on !

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