silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Thwarted. Once again. Maybe Ralphie and I are just not meant to be. *sighs*

Anyway, I'm off work in another 40 minutes or so. Heading straight home. For some R & R. Another T-shirt spoilt by the farken acid. Arrrgghhh...And people still wonder why I don't dress up to work. What's the point? I'd only be spoiling my best clothes. Today my favourite and bestest T-shirt (a black Giordano top) is bleached by acid droplets. Why didn't you wear a lab coat then? Too troublesome. Need to put on and take off everytime I run to the bathroom or need to be out of the labs. *sian* As a result, almost all of my clothes (pants and T-shirt) are spoilt. I have hol(e)y pants. They look kinda cool especially this khaki coloured. The holes are just below my right knee. And the threads are kinda ruffling out. Really cool looking. Well, to me at least.

I'm on leave the next two days. I really, absolutely need to clean up my room. Especially the area surrounding my computer at home. I think snakes can be hatched from the mass of "jungle". You cannot believe the dust amassed in just a short while. Just one of the downs of living in the top most floor. Whose room's windows are facing the main road. It sucks cause I am not the tidy sort. Most of my junk gets dumped somewhere in the nether regions of my table. It's lucky I'd decided to do away with my bed. Imagine more dust and clutter ! I read in The New Paper Sunday that junk in the house can result in bad fengshui and general health. It can also cause you to gain weight. Har..har...maybe that's why I had never lost any weight since moving to my current room 6 years ago. All the rubbish accumulated like pthalates to your fats !

Okay shall stop this rubbish ramblings. Need to clear my mailbox then it's home sweet home !

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