silentscream Search

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I've been to H and Claire website. Been reading the message board. It's warped the way the postings pledged total love and devotion to the duo. Yes, they will be on a 6 months break. Yes, they were formerly from the successful pop group, Steps. Yes, they did released 3 singles and album. And yes, the success of the discography was moderate. Talks were rife 2 months ago, when they went silent after the release of the album, Another You Another Me. That they have been dropped by their record company for under performing. Define that phrase.

Now with the break, again speculations about them not coming back after the break is setting the message board on fire. At least for a few days. With Lisa (former group member) eminent in the release of her first single, more dissing on the mb. She had a total image change and seemed to want to move away from her past. Hey, when you are famous as one of the fab five, you will still ride that fame. People will still see you as an ex-member of so and so. Unless you are Robbie Williams. Or even comes close to his status. People don't say, "OH, that's a nice song from Robbie Williams from the fomer disbanded group, Take That..." Most of them go, "Robbie Williams, he's so cool. Churning out that kinda music..." My point is that with RW, people no longer mention his background. Goes to show he has proven his credibility as a solo artist.

Maybe it's too soon for these former Steppers to prove their credibility that they can make it on their own or die in obscurity. It's a vicious world. RW left TT and was known as the most notorious member (correct me if I'm wrong). He still is, I believe although you do see that he had mellowed a little somehow. H & Claire, tried to keep part of their Steps roots, it seemed to be working until they release their debut album. Suddenly everyone realised that it is Steps with the absence of the other 3 backing vocals. I guess you would never make it as a solo artist (or duo) if you are the consistent lead singer in your previous group. Take for example Gary Barlow.....The only exception to the rules are the ex-Beatles. They are classic and everybody loves them. Hence they succeeded where other groups failed. And failed they did. Miserably.

Personally, I have never like Lisa. I see her as the weakest link. Not the sort of person who really can't make it on her own without digital technology. But well, it's just me.

And I do like H & Claire's album. NOT as much as Steps' but they'll do, I guess. Until they can hold on to the foothold they've niched in the market, they will still be considered under performing, with or without Claire losing weight (was supposedly asked to by their record company).

To change or not to change (image), that shalt be the question.

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