silentscream Search

Tuesday, April 08, 2003 there anyone other than myself who reads this ???? I'm getting dejected. What started out as a collaboration of three slowly branches out to two which eventually became just one. So right at this moment, Fie has one and I have one. I am however still straddling the collaborated feature. Okay I know that some people might have surfed into the site as a by the way. Well good...but seeing that there are no comments for each entry, can't help but think that no one else bothers to read. So do away with the comments link. That's the most logical method to dispel the gloom and doom (or is it the other way round ?). That way you know you write just for yourself.

Oh I think the reason I might not get any attendance to the "wonders" of my "excellent" penning down of my "clever" thoughts to paper is that I'm not writing on paper. That is just it ! I mean if you have a physical diary, some people would die to find out what has been written down. For online diaries...well they are a dime in a dozen. Almost everybody I know maintains a weblog. The keyword being maintains. Which means they write "obsessively" every single farken day. It helps so as not to break the rhythm you have with your "fans". Cutting to the chase, I do believe, it's important to have a nice interface for your online log. Full of graphics, unique, and if possible one that is designed by sa(i)d writer. It must be full of witty language and short. Zero in on the highlights, skim the rest of the excesses. Which some people (me) just don't know how to manipulate.

Bright, shiny, sunny afternoon. May the skies open once more to share with us the richness and joy of its juices. Alhamdullilah!

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