silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

People at work seems to think that I have a permanent case of the swings. I display that "pissy" expression and doesn't seem to be my usual self. You know, the crazy, exuberance, weird, talkative me. I just keep to myself (holed up in the "bomb shelter", not daring to venture out of my comfort zone) and do my work. Occasionally I'd step outside to make sure that I am not alone in the world. Har...I get that sickening feeling in my gut that maybe Allah is punishing me for my lack of faith. So occasionally, I get this sudden bursts of insecurities. Satan...stay away from my thoughts and actions. Tell your minions not to distract me, I've got enough on my plate already ! Maybe it's not a punishment (note to self : Allah is all forgiving), just a "test". So I failed. *puts up right hand* Got sup paper or not ???

So the war in Iraq is over (unofficially), what's next ? Earth is suffocated to the extent that it has to do some cleansing. Survival of the fittest. Wipe out the weaker ones so that there is more space for the rest to survive. Sounds cruel ? That's nature for you.

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