silentscream Search

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bonkers, conkers, wonkers !

I need a new mobile.

Can someone out there, with extra dosh splash on a new mobile for me ? I am not asking for Nokia N80 or even an O2 phone. Just get me Motorola A1200 or if that's such a rare find, I might even settle for A760 or A768i.

I don't need a teeny, tiny phone. Give me a clamshell, bulky or otherwise and I'd be grateful for life. :)

So from tomorrow onwards, I am setting up the Buy-Hel-A1200 kitty. On top of the Hel's-Wedding-Expenses kitty. And I shall chip in cent for cent donation. Pretty please ?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Life without you is gonna be bluer than blue

I was asked this question by a colleague last week. "Why do people start an online weblog?"

My first thought was that I'd started it with Fie and *ahems* as a means of keeping in touch with each other. Before long, I became the only one who regularly post and eventually I decided to keep my own.

And so the reason I keep on posting was for my own posterity. I really like the idea of having a say. Whether or not my weblog is popular, it is secondary. The main thing is that I get to go back in time and enjoy my own little space.

When I get lonely or in need of some ego boosting, I read my previous entries. They do crack me up and bring me back to that exact moment in time. As a proponent of self expression, I highly encourage those without to do start an online blog. Afterall, you should always do things that make you happy. Everyone else can go to pot. :D

But then again, I am one self indulgent lass. ;*

Monday, August 28, 2006

I am wimp !

I'd written another post earlier. Then I've decided to not publish it. For one, I do not want to start a guilt trip. Even if the guilt is on me. Too embarassing ! Let's just say, I was not at my highest point when I wrote it.

And so, when the mood strikes me, I shall publish the previous post. Otherwise, it shall forever remain a Draft of my thoughts.

Weakening my resolve

I am so darn tempted to set up a lunch date with him. I think I should, one of these days. There are a number of things I have to return him. He said that he didn't want anything back, but then how can I on good conscience keep his barang-barang ?

Well, returning his things gives me an excuse to suss him out. To see for myself how he'd been these past few weeks. No doubt, I still have feelings for him but then it really is not fair for me to string him along. Afterall, how can he expect forever after when I am not sure if I'll be able to see beyond 40 ? Too soon, too much.

How I wish I'd met him 5 years from now. Maybe then I will be more willing to consider forever after with him. Babe, if you are reading this, I'd be dropping a text message soon to confirm any lunch plans. However, knowing me, I am probably too wimpy to follow this through.

I think it's time, don't you ?

Always yours.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Test, Fire !

Right ... beam me up scotty ...

I've been trying to update my blog but I think blogger's server is under maintenance. So, rather than I start screaming at my computer and banging the keyboard and flinging it out the window, I'd better make this short and sweet.

So I'll see you on Monday. Just in case the site is still a bit wonky. Have a fun weekend, ya'll !

Thursday, August 24, 2006

SECTION 4: Reward and Punishment

Sūrah 36 – Yā Sīn

In the name of God,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful

59 "And O you in sin! Get you apart this Day! 60 Did I not enjoin on you, O you Children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?—61 And that you should worship Me, (for that) this was the straight Way? 62 But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand? 63 This is the Hell of which you were (repeatedly) warned! 64 Embrace you the (Fire) this Day, for that you (persistently) rejected (Truth)."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I just can't smile without you

First thing first. There were no takers for the Ginger Tom. Poor kitty had to be let to stray. I hope there is a kind soul out there to look after him and the others left behind by their owners. (((HUGS)))

I will keep things short today. I don't want to compromise my reading time as lights out by 12.30 am. I've started on the second JM book and the story looks promising. =]

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Extra, extra ... Don't read if not interested

On a side note, any of you interested in adopting a Ginger Tom ? Let me know. I can give you further details. However, be quick otherwise our feline friend might be no more. :S

Good night and good bye.

I am paying the price for all those late nights I'd spent reading. My vision's going wonky and I definitely know that I need to add a few more extra degrees to my glasses.

Not forgetting the extra bags and dark tones under and around my pretty brown eyes.

Am I repentant ?

Nope, not yet. As of now, I will read and keep on reading anything and everything until my eyes expire. And that my friend, will not be until 15 years from now.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Fast Friends, Kiss out of Sheer Mischief ?

I've just finished another marathon reading session of Jill Mansell's. This book (first title of heading of post), if I'm not mistaken was her very first publication. It's long and flows like a Penny Vicenzi's but I loved it.

Hah. I'm biased anyways.

I was lucky the other day, having managed to snare 3 of JM's books from the Bedok shelves. I'm gonna be starting the 2nd of the 3 books tonight. Or maybe tomorrow morning ? We'll see. On top of that, I'm still saving that JM book I bought at the sale. Perfect Timing as they said has to be carefully planned and executed. Soon, my sweet. :D

Too excited to sleep but too bone weary to stay up all night to read. Plus, it's freaking hot ! I need a shower, otherwise I'd be tossing and turning in bed. And that is so not a pretty sight to be having at this time of the night ! Heh.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

11:16 PM


It's relative. It may be good for some and downright horrid for others.


I am for change, be it good or bad. I embrace the agony of not knowing if the change is permanent or temporary.


Time is ever now. Putting off things will always result in now happenings. To seize now is telling then to go do something anatomically impossible.

Spot the hidden message, yet ?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Relief ? Hell, yeah !

And so, it all culminated to this.

We have managed to clear the renewal audit.

Support and belief.

Thank you for the hardwork and efforts, guys !

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Crank up another notch ~ Fever

I'm so knackered ! This weekend had totally flew by in the blink of my eye. I didn't get to loll much in bed this morning. I am on a tight, tight deadline. Hah.

My fault ? Not exactly. Excuse me, but who else bring their work home to do during the weekend ? (R, H, among others ?) And who else stays back late after work almost everyday ? Okay, aside from R and Ian and Dins and Net and H and my BBS, okay ... Okay ... I know everyone at my work place stays later than usual.

Not normal ? Not really. Imagine this, me packing up to go home at 5 and some kind soul (bless her !) commented, "So soon ? How come so early ?" Haha. Right. (Only when I've got a blind date, babe.)

All right. I am sounding a tad bit mental now. Okay. Breathe.


So anyways, the Book Sale was okay. I wanted to rant about the Kiasu-ism trait of my fellow countrymen but A) I don't have the time and energy and B) it's all been ranted before. So there really is no point in making a fuss, yeah ? For 2 bucks for all English Fiction books.

Got me 4 books and managed to get Net a book too ! Heh. I got me a couple of Michael Connelly and a book each from Fiona Walker and drum rolls ... Jill Mansell ! Yay ! Although I am trying my very best to not touch the book until, well the next weekend ! Much as I try though, I can't resist reading Net's book and guess what ? Finished it last night ! Really. *shakes head*

So then. Until the next book sale. I am still searching for cheap TMOA. Anyone got any lobang ?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Polar ice caps ~ radiating heat

For the past 3 hours, I'd been busy at work editing the QMS Manual. It's going well. Thank goodness I've managed to clear my STP processing before I knock off work yesterday. Small miracles, I'll take them all.

I will print out the amended documents and send them out for printing on Monday. After which, I'll try to retrieve all the rest of the manuals and replace all the outdated processes & procedures. My audit's on Wednesday ! If I screw this one up, hah ! I can surely expect my BBB giving orders for it to be handed over to someone else. Oh wells, at the very least I tried and if I fail, then I know it was just not meant to be. :)

I'm heading out to Singapore Expo after work today. It's the used Library Book Sale ! Yay ! It's on this weekend and I hope I can at least find some good reads (clue: The Mists of Avalon & Jill Mansell's). I don't know how much I will spend, though. Perhaps I should have a budget drawn up ? But then I'd be restricting myself ! Hmmm ... let me have a thought about it on my way over.

Lovely books, wait for me !

Friday, August 11, 2006

*phweet* when Staying at Daisy's

I went to the annual Methodist Get Together tonight. This year it was held at FMSS. The school's huge ! Well, schools having their own fields are considered huge in my book. Hmm ... Yeah, my school does not have a field but then we have our own hill. How many other schools in Singapore can claim to have the Nature Reserve as its backyard ? Only one. :D

Hey. I am mentally drained. I really cannot think of what else to include in today's post. So rather than lapse into weird ramblings, I would say "Adios" at this juncture.

Night, people !

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Spider Solitaire

I have always wondered how the other workforce, well ... work. I must admit, it was such an eye opener. Of all the ways to whittle away the time while maintaining your sanity and a few brain cells.

Oprah was a major help. It's just too bad that it's on for only an hour a day. Jamie Oliver was a revelation. And hot ! Man, that dude certainly can cook. Light Years still stink as when it was first aired oh so many years ago. Seriously, poly life was not that glamourous. At least not in my faculty, that is.

It is no wonder so many are hooked on the gogglebox. Aside from the escapism factor, it's so great to rot those still functioning brain cells. Huh. Not all it cracked up to be, idling your time away in the afternoons. Nap time, snack time, tv time.

Oh, hey. Look at the time now. 10 minutes to Lost. See you guys ! ;P

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

41 and loving it !

Traditions are great.

Every year, come the 9th of Aug, my sisters would congregate at my parents'. We do our own bit of celebrating the nation's independence day.

Mom would cook something nice and we kids would provide the snacks. We'd watch the parade on tv and ooh-aah the fireworks from the kitchen window.

This year was no difference. My eldest brought three quarters of her brood over and my youngest brought her new hubby to join in the festivities. And myself ? I went solo, as I did every year.

It's not time yet. But then, who am I to wreck traditions ? Keeping to traditions are great. :D

Happy National Day !!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Head Over Heels with Millie's Fling

Some serious sh!t is happening inside my head. I've been having some strange dreams. Dreams that are too risque to mention in my posts. I don't remember much of the details but the highlights of the dreams are just too glaring to ignore.

I had a couple of those weird dreams today. Just before I wake up early in the morning and another one after my noon nap. Seriously, I think I need a head shrink. I am so close to losing it. Seriously.

On another "fun" related news. I am soooooooo in love with Jill Mansell's writing style. Why didn't I discover her any earlier ??? I've just finished my second book from her in a day ! I literally cannot put it down. Hence, I decided to ditch the office yesterday. Again I say, my intentions were pure, to finish my work but books are my weakness. Especially good, quirky writing styles. If everything in my life goes to pot, I know I'd always have my books. Insane people do read, you know. :D

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Scream loud-er

Oh mans, major stuff going on at work.

Oh. And I am 13 days away from the ISO renewal audit. I have yet to get all things done. Why am I not panicking enough ?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Could be the last to know

I don't know how to say this.

My computer "almost" died on me. It's gasping for life and I don't really know what was wrong with it. Its flickering power light indicated that it doesn't have much power to put on a show for my delight.

I despair.

And requesting for help ! Technical support, where are you ?