silentscream Search

Friday, April 28, 2006

Batman, Spiderman, Ali Baba - Chickenman!

The idea was to spend five idyllic days on an island other than the present. A boon or a cataclysm is depending on how you take it. Personally, I guess I would not do anything to change it. The people at work all thought I'd be out of this island and off to another but I guess the parents know better.

Was I disappointed ? Well, a part of me was a tad bit unhappy but I guess we (parents and I) could have gone for this short period of bliss and to come back and eat dust later. Literally this whole trip might set me back a grand plus. The parents figured, it's better we'd do something else with the dosh and so we had me a nice little family break at home. The nieces and nephew came by almost everyday since my leave started.

I did my share of looking after the kiddies. Playtime and tvtime and bathtime and mealtime, done 'em all. I must say, they certainly opened my eyes to a slight possibility of having kids of my own later on. Like the learned people always say, "Never write off what you have never known." Hear, hear to that.

And so, to keep the facade that I'm not on this island, I have basically NOT sign in to my MSN nor responded to any SMS from people at work. Hahaha ... Who am I kidding ? Anyways, I will come clean come Tuesday. But for now, sorry guys, I had to keep up the idea of not being available to keep some semblance of my leave, i.e. away from work.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

And I am a quarter of a century young, really !

So how did I wake up ? What a gloriously, gorgeous morning. The weak light of the sun streaming through my open window and the slight drizzle adds a cool veneer into my room.

The soft voices from the radio, and I breathe in deeply to the fresh morning scent. Then as quickly, the bursting bladder feeling registered. Gotta empty it ! Haha !


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Smileys and joys to all !

I wanted to write in at work last evening, you know just to relive the whole event. However, since Betty had to leave soon and I was swamped with last minute pointers to R, I had to quickly leave for home. A good thing too, since my sister was waiting for the "ATM" to reach home, so.

I am on leave for these 3 days and since my big birthday falls tomorrow, the peeps at work helped to celebrate it yesterday. Well, that was not the surprise. The surprise was in the gift ! Something I'd really, really want to have for the past few months ...

Xbox Super Heroes Pack !!! Yes, the one with Spiderman, Fantastic Four and X-Men games all in one pack for 99 bucks !!!

I'd searched almost everywhere within reason and it popped up in Hougang ! Thanks to the good detective job done by R and the travelling powers of Jeff ! And wanna know the icing on the cake (no pun intended, of course) was that the Speedpost guy was around to join in. Hahaha.

Thank you, you guys ! It was memorable, especially since you allowed me to sign on my own birthday cards. All 2 of them ! Plus the coffee cake. Mmmmmmm ...

Now, dear ... Let's see if you can top that ! *grins*

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wait for me, for I may not have much time left.

I had dinner with the gals just now. It was really nice to be able to finally meet up and just be with the people who had known you since your hormonal teenage years.

Yeah, aside from your parents and sibs, no one will see you as you are when you are still discovering your life, boys and other interests. Lainey, Fie and Sha, my chums since I was 14, which was more than 10 years ago. The minute we met and the 'hellos' and 'how have you beens' have been dispensed with, it was as though we never had gone our separate ways.

Well, maybe we had, but rather then dwell on it, we decided that another time would have to be arranged, this time probably we might just have to include the other people whom we all love and love to hate when we were just a bunch of silly teenagers. It was a blast to have known them. Thank you for allowing me to show you guys your kindness in befriending me all these years.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Confessions on a Red Bull high ...

“Do you like me?”

Mmmmm ….”

“Do you want me?”


“Do you love me?”

Well, I do, what can I say ? I’m a sucker for these cheesy lines !

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Load me onto the pinewood floor

If you are smart enough, do guess where I am right now ? Stuck in the office that’s what !!

The story of my life, eh ? Well, being the kind and industrious person that I am, of course, without a doubt I rarely say ‘NO’. Hence, I am stuck here. Enough said. I need to finish up the work before I trudged my way home.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air

What a superfluous day ! And evening ! What a lovely time to spend the end of the work day. And when my world comes crashing down, I will remember I'd tasted happiness.

61 If God were to punish men for their wrong-doing, He would not leave, on the (earth), a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, they would not be able to delay (the punishment) for a single hour, just as they would not be able to anticipate it (for a single hour). Sūrah 16-Al Nahl; Section 8: Iniquity of Deniers

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Bottomline ... work gets done

I experienced close to an hour down time.

Why ? My sweet work connection died on me at 2.45-ish this afternoon.

Lighting flashed, thunder struck and a student screamed and then my inter and intra net connection died its natural (??) death.

Hence, I was prancing around in my tights (hahaha … you guys, wish … NOT !) for close to an hour. So now, OT time, lor

Monday, April 17, 2006

And then we played some more

Which should attest to the fact that sometimes in your work life, you don’t need much leave. Which will bring me to the topic of annual leave. Many times I’d wondered (or rather thought) about the leave that I’m entitled to. Each year, I know the leave entitlement is increased either by 0.5 or 1 day denomination. And since I did not take any leave entitled last year, my final total for this year is 32 days ! Count, them buddy ! Which brings me right about another long weekend for me next week.

I had applied for leave from the 26 to 28 April, 3 long days leading to the weekend. I was actually quite surprised this morning when I checked my mail to discover among the spam inherent in my mailbox, there was a gem in it ! My leave had been approved !! Imagine the joy and then multiply it by 10 because I just realised that the 1st of May is another public holiday ! And that I had planned a vacation well ! *pats*

Well, I can just hope there will be no last minute changes. My first long break from work in a long while, man, I do anticipate it !

Friday, April 14, 2006

Head aches

I will admit defeat when I'm backed into a corner with no signs of escape. I succumb to you, oh nasty flu bug ! You win !!! You have left me with a different personality and make me such a wreck with the itchy throat, loss of appetite and nausea. Thank you so freaking much, for the break in my social plans today.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

As in the day before tomorrow

I have a throat infection doo-dah. Been coughing quite spontaneously (??) to rid the itch. Wish I could ditch the birthday party but sad to said promises made must be fulfilled. So here I am, sitting and writing and chatting with R, Betty and Y on cyberspace while waiting for the clock to strike 17 times. Se-low is the order of the day. *cough* *cough*

Long weekend ahead. Looking forward to it as long as the weather holds up. But then who cares what the weather’s like when you get to share a blankie with him ? Ahek

Darn … another 13 minutes to go. *yawns*

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Woman - John Lennon

What a night ! We were just talking when suddenly, he started humming. Then he broke out into a song, “And woman hold me close to your heart … However, distant don't keep us apart. After all it is written in the stars, ooooh … Well, well … doo doo doo doo doo” And then I went, “Aaaahhh …”

Romantic or what ?

Here’s the complete lyrics to the song:

Woman I can hardly express,
My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness,
After all I'm forever in your debt,
And woman I will try express,
My inner feelings and thankfulness,
For showing me the meaning of success,
Oooh well, well, doo doo doo doo doo
Oooh well, well, doo doo doo doo doo

Woman I know you understand,
The little child inside the man,
Please remember my life is in your hands,
And woman hold me close to your heart,
However, distant don't keep us apart,
After all it is written in the stars,
Oooh well, well, doo doo doo doo doo
Oooh well, well, doo doo doo doo doo


Woman please let me explain,
I never mean(t) to cause you sorrow or pain,
So let me tell you again and again and again,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever,
I love you (yeah, yeah)...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

You will get a million kisses from me

For the past two days the people at work had been commenting on the state of my hair. Compliments or insults, I don't know. Comments ranging from, "You look different today", to "Did you have a haircut?", and "You've lost weight !!" were taken graciously. My mantra for all these comments were that I had parted my hair differently. From my usual middle parting to my right parting, my hair had finally listened to me afterall these months of trying to tame it !

Decided on a grunged look today and I think I pulled it off pretty well. It can be said, a tad to sad to look like one of the kids in school, but as you all know me, I dress for me. And for him too, of course !

Din-Dins even suggested that perhaps I should accesorise myself and put on a bit of makeup ! Hah ! To work ? No way ! As it is, I'm on the receiving end of ridicule from H and Ian. Thanks but no thanks, I'd told her !

All righty then. Need to make amends and "placate" him. The one I've neglected for the past few days while I was steaming in self pity. Heh !

Monday, April 10, 2006

Me and my life

I guess I can never be too careful. I feel a smidgen of hurt at the subtle snub I felt from Betty and Y. My lunch kakis had dwindled down to just myself and myself. Thank goodness Mother was still willing to accompany me. Well, I guess both Betty and Y are both very, very busy people. As for me, I have a bit of a breather since all my urgent application cases have sort of plateau down.

On the home front, things are not that good. My sister's getting engaged this Thursday and I heard from Mum that the solemnisation ceremony will be held in June. Guess what, then ? I am the last of the girls to give up my singlehood. I am not complaining because afterall, who likes to account your every whereabouts to a man. Just a mere man.

Oh wells. Life is without its sense of irony, no ?

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I can't even form proper words. It's like I don't know what to say, how to react. Will anything I say be faux pas ? I don't know why I keep thinking the things that I am thinking. It's got nothing to do with me, at all. He's just a teacher here who had a tragedy. Everyone had some death in their family, myself notwithstanding.

It was just weird. An outcome of a comment made a few weeks back. Weird thoughts, images and feelings. *shakes head*

I must get out of this stupor. I need a distraction.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

You've lost that "bo liao" feelin'

R's taking leave the whole next week. And thanks to his blog, I get the honours to this quiz.

Fun, eh ?

FW: Bit of the colourful life

Someone told me last night that my entries are getting mushy. Well, I am not denying that observation but I call them emotions. I take feedback constructively and while I am not going to ignore the observation, I am not going to stop injecting a bit of emotion in my entries once in a while. Hey, all these feedback is good, no ? They go to show that someone is reading. Well, better someone than no one, no ?

Putting things in perspective, I’d better cut back some of the emotion just in case even that someone stopped reading all together. Hah !

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Two cents bits

I must admit something to you. These past few days work had been less hectic than usual. The general atmosphere in the office had more or less stabilised for me. I just need to pick up on my next project, which is getting right the ISO 9001:2000 updates. Not an easy task considering the numerous changes we are planning. By a certain consensus, the people working on this project had been helpful. Well, one can only hope this can be sustained throughout until the next audit. A major re-audit coming soon in August which is less than 4 months away !


No matter, I believe we will fight the good fight and we will win. If you are not getting me, please stop reading. Hah ! Time to knock off work soon. Will update more later.

Oh, hey, before I forget (shameless plug), April is my birthday month. I will be turning a quarter of a century old. Keep the wishes comin’ coz this old bird ain’t gonna live beyond 40 ! Hah !

Sunday, April 02, 2006

In another lifetime

I can still hear the banging of the pots and pans in the kitchen. The sound of metal hitting the formica top made me winced and I tried hard to ignore it and continue my conversation with him. I know who was the one irritated enough to cause me to lose my train of thoughts every 5 seconds. At a loss with my guest, I excused myself and walked to the kitchen. I can see that he was in the midst of preparing dinner, and I realised that I was late coming home. And the icing on the cake was that I already had dinner. With the other guy. The one still sitting in the living room.

I looked at my guy, and back at the almost set dinner table. A single white daisy in a tall vase and an unlit candle decorated the middle. And another thought crossed my mind. It was our anniversary. He then turned around as if sensing my pensiveness, then looked away again. He knew I'd brought somebody home for a little nightcap. But what was worse was the fact that I didn't even bother to call. He just leaned by the stove, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

He then spoke in the softest voice, saying things that made me teared. I just stood there, willing him to stop, hoping that I had the strength to say the words. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. I walked to him, opened my arms wide for a comforting hug. He remained where he was so I tiptoed and pulled down his head. I cradled his head against my bosom and stroked his hair gently. I could feel his tears and it touched me deep. This man loves me, he really does.