silentscream Search

Monday, May 30, 2005

Spend, spend, spend

I have the moolah to spend so what's a girl to do ?

Yup, I am spending it like there is no tomorrow ! My poor bank account is feeling the pinch. Hahaha ... Though I am doing a bit of saving up. Gonna get me an MP3 player. Creative had a warehouse sale the past 3 days in celebration of the GSS.

For the uninitiated, the GSS is the Great Singapore Sale, usually rearing its head during the June school hols. Everything from air tickets to electronic gadgets to clothings have their prices slashed sometimes up to 70% off. Now is the time to get that watch for a good friend (Yes, Sha. I read your wishlist.) or that dream Creative Zen (20GB) for only S$299.

Alas ! For me, it is still possible to get that watch for my buddy (I hear 'ya, babes !) but not possible for the Zen. That particular star promotion is only for yesterday and was completely sold out by 11.30 am (even though the official opening hours is 10.30 am).

I am not worried though because the PC Show 2005 will be here in less than 3 days time ! YAY !!! More bargain hunting !

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The biggest decision I ever made

I realised what a momentous event it was the day after. That I am now officially an adult and I can make decisions that can rock the world. My world at least. If everything turns out well, I will start paying housing loan come August. All right, so I will pay using my CPF but you guys see the main issue here ? I am gonna be a flat owner. Major step.

And the first thing I did once the papers have been signed was to get myself a box of colour pencils. And then I did the adult thing by going to work to help Heman finish the some of the documentation needed for the BS 7799 project. Which then caused me to turn back time by going to a movie marathon with Elaine. I had not done a back to back movie session since my early poly days and I have not reached home at 2 am since that year I turned 21. And that was when a teacher colleague held her after wedding party at Bar None.

Saturday indeed had been such a ride for me.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Guess what ? I found out that that cow M is married ! And a lazy married cow she is ! And how did I find out ? Well, let me tell you a story of human nature.

Homo sapiens the scientific name for man has a folly. The biggest one of all. The intellect to talk and communicate with fellow Homo sapiens and the stupidity in not knowing when to shut that big, fat gob. It's an affliction that had caused numerous pain and suffering. The experts coined this term, "necessary evil" and it totally applies to this particular action.

So last night I was sitting quietly in class, all my kakis absent for some reason, when my excellent hearing picked up this irritating buzzing sounds. Oh, guess where it came from.

Come on, give it a go. Yes.

That cow, M. Bzzzz ... Bzzzz ... She went.

At first I ignored her but the sounds got louder and I picked up on what she was going on and on about. Then she revealed "my husband always picked up and wash the dishes for me".


Yes, I hear 'ya. And I thought, "Stupid, silly cow!" The number one rule in married life is not to reveal any unsightly bulges. Then followed by that linen. Never, ever reveal anything negative about yourself in front of people who dislikes you. So I repeated, "Stupid, silly cow!" in my head. Disgusted I tuned off her bzzzzz-ing and stared into space.

What I really wanted to say is that, if irritating, silly cows have someone to f*** them at night, there is hope for us, normal people. Be strong.



*soft cries in the background* Nobody wants me .... I am sad, deluded fool ...

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I am bored. I need a little action in my life. I know I have “complained” on how beige my life is. To a certain extent I am not sure I want more excitement. Also I cannot count on the fact that sometimes the little surprises overwhelms me.


Please God, I just want to be happy.


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Monday, May 23, 2005


I did something I have not done in so many years. I went into an IRC chatroom and flirted. I can't believe the words that came to my mind as I was typing to all the "guys". Assuming they are all guys in the first place. I even exchanged photos. I know, I know. Bad move, huh ? Well, at least I did not exchange IM with anyone. That would have been very scaree !

Ding .... Ding ... Gotta complete my assignment dued last Friday.

Friday, May 20, 2005


The rooster in me wants to roost. To have a nice home and loving people surrounding me. No, correction. Lovely people. Hahaha.

I am not making much sense am I ? Exhaustion, is my excuse. I missed class last night and I am missing another one right now. I look forward to the long weekend. Thank gawd.

The retreat was great. I bowled pretty well too. And E didn't snore. Although I was still short of sleep. Finally could close my eyes only after 2 am this morning. I am paying the price now.

I got my Da Vinci Code book back. After one bloody year ! So anyways, it's gonna leave my hands soon. Now I need to just get back my Five People You Meet in Heaven and I can totally sever any kind of ties with 'em. Yeech.

I can't wait ! *yawns*

I am going to hit the sack now. Night owls !

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Staff Retreat

I'll be out tomorrow afternoon to Sofitel for my Staff Retreat. I am kinda excited over it. We'd be leaving work at 2 pm. Hopefully to reach JB by 4. I will be bunking in with E. Hope she doesn't snore. Hahaha.

I am so gonna miss my smelly pillow. Talk more when I get back.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

De-tox part deux


Okay. I've been doing this de-tox session with Jas and Mother. Yesterday, being the first day was horrid. Not only do I have to go to class, the hunger pangs kept me awake half the night. I can only down water or green tea aside from my maple syrup, lemon drink. And I tell you, into the second day, it was worth it. My urine's almost colourless now. Kinda cool, me thinks !

Just another day to keep to this de-tox thing and then I am home free. I know I can do it !

Urmm ... Now I must think what to say for my so called presentation of myself for the retreat this coming Thurs. Guys, what analogy should I figure myself to ?

*blink* *blink* *blink*


Guess what I had for my meals for yesterday and today ? Then take a guess for tomorrow too.

Maple syrup with lemon juice. All 3 litres of it for each day. Bladder's kina bursting now.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

FW: Wedding

Hot damn ! This sure is one hilarious correspondence. I just have to make it known.

Oh, and
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your upcoming nuptials !

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

From: "Samuel Gan"
Subject: Wedding
Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 22:28:49 +0100

You caught me on the day when I was out at Cardiff. Anyway, here is the invitation

You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Sam and K somewhere between Mid-June to Mid August 2005. It will not be a big affair and will take place at McDonalds Parkway or maybe the Parkway Hawker Center, guests are encourage to pay for themselves, but are reminded from the movie "Supersize Me" that McDonalds is not healthy. They are also reminded that no responsibility will be taken for the food especially if the guests choose to eat at a Hawker rating less than A.

3 days after the wedding, you are invited to the HDB application ceremony followed by the UK PR status application 3 days later.

You are also cordially invited to the divorce ceremony about 1 year later when the HDB and PR status is successful. Divorce is likely to be on grounds of long distance separation.

A pre-nuptial agreement on the groom's rights and contribution to the HDB is forfeited will also be done at the wedding.

This email will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Future Groom to be

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What a day

Wheeeeew ....

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mommy's Day

Genuinity or a farce ?

All I know is that my mom makes the best curry in the whole wide world !

Love you.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

An open letter to Daddy

My daddy turned 55 today. How great is that ? And he showed it the best way he knew how. By giving his kids money and a lunch treat. Thank you, daddy ! I love you almost as much as mommy.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

When the time comes, everyone has to step on it

And suck it up of course.

Anyways, I cabut class tonight. I left during the 15 minutes break. Dr Ong was covering DNA and DNA replication today. The session before the break was about the DNA, just basic stuff. And then I flipped through the DNA replication bit, oh boy ! I knew I was in for the long haul. So decided to skip class, together with Celeste.

Okay enough about school. I was just reading Rachel Gibson's book titled See Jane Score, the other day. And the main protangonist has the most exciting life ever (even for a fictional character !)! She works as a sports reporter by day, covering the state's ice hockey team and by night, she writes for an adult magazine. Then she sorta developed a crush on the goalie of the team. He in turn was described to have a horse shoe tattoo on his lower abdomen. So when he is just wearing a towel, three quarters of the tattoo is seen with the remaining left up to your own imagination. How droolsome, yeah ?

But, maybe it's just me. I'm rattling on now. Gotta grab something to eat.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Mother !

I love you so much. I wish you less suffering and more enjoyment as you go forth. I will absolutely die without your presence in my life. With the grace of Allah.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another hole.

Ear hole that is. Another piercing that is. It was a good day today. No work even though it's the start of the proper work week. There was the annual Speech and Thanksgiving Day. Followed by a movie session sponsor by the Big Bosses. An inspirational movie, Coach Carter. It was not bad. The soundtrack kicked some ass, baby !

Then I had another earhole pierced. So now, I have officially 4 piercings ! Three on my left lobe and just one on my right. If I could get away with more piercings over the years I would have !

Now I just gotta remember to avoid lying on my left side. How am I supposed to watch TV then ? Talking about TV, the latest season of Alias is on tonight ! That show kicks ass !

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The weekend we were waiting for

To all, have a great short, long weekend !