silentscream Search

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Was that intentional ?

I was violated on the bus ride home yesterday. I glared and clenched my fists to indicate I won't take it lying down. I squirmed and squeezed myself to break any of the contact. I felt icky and disgusted. Was it my fault ? Was I tempting him to touch me ? Yes it was not visible, at least not to the rest of the bus commuters but you would surely know when that elbow was not "accidentally" digging into your sides. I felt so angry ! And the fucking asshole still has the cheek to try to touch the side of my thigh with his pinkie. Did I forgot that I had put up a sign that said, Grope for Free ???? Sick bastard ! I hope his finger rots and die. I hope he rots and die. I hope he dies. I really hope he dies.

Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Cher

I was born in the wagon of a travellin' show
My mama used to dance for the money they'd throw
Papa would do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good

Gypsies, tramps and thieves
We'd hear it from the people of the town
They'd call us gypsies, tramps and thieves
But every night all the men would come around
And lay their money down

Picked up a boy just south of Mobile
Gave him a ride, filled him with a hot meal
I was sixteen, he was twenty-one
Rode with us to Memphis
And papa woulda shot him if he knew what he'd done


I never had schoolin' but he taught me well
With his smooth southern style
Three months later I'm a gal in trouble
And I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh
I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh

She was born in the wagon of a travellin' show
Her mama had to dance for the money they'd throw
Grandpa'd do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good

CHORUS until fades

Monday, November 29, 2004

"Bang" goes the arm with the door knob

I am nursing a bruise on my right arm. I am suffering a sore muscle on my left arm. Reasons ? I banged my right arm on the doorknob 10 minutes ago and the flu jab just 2 days ago ! Sucks to be my arms this morning !

Remember the 3 Linda Francis Lee books I mentioned, oh not so long ago ? I bought them ! Yeah on ! I made a total of 2 Sing bucks savings per book ! My ex-colleague will be bringing the books down when she comes back for her X-mas hols in SG ! *hurrah*

So how was your weekend ?

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Pissed off

I'd typed an entry earlier this afternoon. Then the stupid webpage couldn't load. F**k ! It was a good entry, if I must say so ! What a disappointment ! My thoughts lost somewhere in the great space of the internet. I am pissed off now so I shan't write much !


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Are You Evil?

Good -----------------------|-------------- Evil

Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) We're guessing you find others' pain funny, your backstabbing knife is probably pretty sharp, and your sexual wiles have likely brought you enjoyment at the expense of your bunkmates a time or two. If more than one of those three things rings true, consider yourself a card-carrying evil person. If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it. Keep reading for more evil details!

Who's Your OC Crush?

Helena, your OC crush is Seth

Dorky? Maybe. Loveable? Totally! What's not to love about this cutie? A smarty like you looks beneath the surface, and that's why only a brainy hottie like Seth will do as your OC crush.

Sensible and responsible, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and you use it. Maybe you've been called wise for your years. Many famous folks were ahead of their times in high school, and you'll probably be one of them. So keep doing things in your own unique style. You're well on your way to great things. And it might be even better if you have an equally-awesome crush to have fun with along the way!

What's Your True Color?

Helena, your true color is Green!

You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I Just Fall In Love Again by The Carpenters

(This song is really about my present state of mind. I know I shouldn't but I think I'm in love with him. And it breaks my heart to not being able to say his name or to even acknowledge my feelings for him. Cheers ! Hope no one's feeling like I do now.)

Dreamin', I must be dreamin'
Or am I really lyin' here with you
Baby you take me in your arms
And though I'm wide awake
I know my dream is comin' true

*And, oh, I just fall in love again
Just one touch and then it happens every time
And there I go I just fall in love again, and when I do
Can't help myself, I fall in love with you

Magic, it must be magic
The way I hold you and the night just seems to fly
Easy, for you to take me to a star
Heaven is that moment when I look into your eyes

Repeat * twice

Can't help myself I fall in love with you


Yes, it's blasphemy but have u seen him in his English Godliness ? I fell in lust with him after watching the 1995 BBC production of Pride and Prejudice. Then there is Love Actually. *swoons*

I am a fat cow !

If I say I hated my life, would anyone doubt it ? I am nothing but a silly, frustrated little twit. I thought I had friends, well ... Wishful thinking. What do you want me to do ? Kneel and grovel for the tiniest bit of attention ? You know who you are, bitch. Here's to me and my ineptness in this lifetime. Bitchass life, full of sucky morons !

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Angel power

Cameron Diaz is A goddess !!! They made no mistake when she was cast as an angel of Charlie's ! *sweeeeeeet*

Another public holiday

I hate this day. I hate the fakeness of the festivities. Everyone pretending that we are a normal family. We are not ! I hate the enforced goodwill I have to show when all I want to say is, "Get out of my farken house !" Why can't everyone just leave me well alone ? I don't want to socialise. I don't have the need to socialise. I don't see the need to. Most of all I hate all the pretense. Everyone with their own agendas and hidden motives.

If I can move without breaking hearts, I would have done it ages ago. As it is, in this society where I live, the only time when we break away from the nests is when we marry. A silly reason for independence because when you marry, you're not being independent. You are merely transferring your dependence from your parents to your spouse. Buying a decent flat here, you would have to be at least 35 years old, if you're single. I still have another decade to go. Tell me, should I just stay in cloistered away in my room ?

Friday, November 12, 2004


I cancelled my leave for today. Bummer, I know. Mother was so disappointed. And so was I. All those books I've yet to read, which I was planning to finish off during this "winter" break. *sighs*

No matter, I have plenty of work to do today. Considering I will be away the whole of next week. So I must write what I need to and make haste.

Tomorrow is my school Open House Day and I am kinda excited for it. I hope loads of people will turn up. Just mill about and add on to the atmosphere. They have to ! Especially after our back-breaking stint at Wheelock Place last weekend. Did any of you guys see us there ? Didn't come and say "Hello", didja ? Hmmm.... So if anyone's interested, just come down to my school tomorrow. Bet you there will be loads of music, food and old farts. Ugh ... I mean, ish ... What exactly did I mean ? Oh wells, forget it. Go and prepare for the extended weekend. Have fun you guys.

My results are out today. Kav, thanks so much for the heads up but I will not check them until after Sunday. When I can be surly and hole up in my room to 1) read, 2) watch movies, 3) surf or 4) play MM2. Or do all of them.

Cheerio !

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

So long ya'll ....

I'm going on my long holiday, officially beginning at the end of today. I applied for leave for this Friday and also for next Wednesday to Friday. I only needed to come in on Saturdays ! This week and the next. I should perhaps go for a short holiday in lieu of the leave days I'd taken, eh ? Anyways, this is going to be a short one. I need to haul ass to the General Office. Loads of clearing up to do if I want to have ease of mind on my off days !

Monday, November 08, 2004

Pool !

I had taken 3 hours time off today. Eileen was on full day leave today. So after my shift ended, Mommy (i.e. Eileen) suggested we play pool at this place she discovered. The same building where she always takes her kid to Tumble Tots. So the two of us, excited as bouncing babies, decided to meet up and shoot some balls.

Met Mommy at the Ten Mile Junction bus stop and we went cruising in her MPV. She parked the vehicle and we then made the short walk to the home ground of the Warriors of the S-League. Climbed the 365 steps (okay, okay a slight exaggeration ...) to the top and walked a few metres in.

Tumble Tots, closed. Sportslink, closed. Entrance of stadium, closed. And who should have guessed ? Pool place ? Yep. Closed ! Mans, the disappointment !

So anyways, we made plans to come back on one of the Saturdays after work and fill the pockets. Yeah. The two amateur players gonna try to cue some coloured, smooth, shiny balls in 'em pockets ! For a buck per game, it's a bargain, mans !

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Fever, hot, hot fever

I've just watched Fahrenheit 9/11. Towards the end of the movie, I was thinking, why did the American people still vote for George W. Bush ? Okay, so we should not be based the re-election business with the 2 events featured in the movie. But please justify the lack of attack on Al-Qaeda and the major attacks on Iraq.

I guess I am most affected by this because of the senseless deaths of people who are the innocent bystanders of war. War is undeniable because, according to one smart person I knew, as long as the world is made up of more than 1 person, war is inevitable.

I wept for all the wasted lives of all the people involved in the fighting. Unnecessary fighting, might I add.

All in all I like this movie because it makes you question the propaganda. Is there really truth in all you hear and see ?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

80's revisited

Did I ever tell you I love the 80's music scene ? I DO !!!!! (Sorry, I am trying very hard to contain my exuberance)

I realised that Eswari had plenty of 80's groovy bands. She has Depeche Mode (everyone scream !), Culture Club (louder !), Abba (waaaaah ....), among others in her vast collection of CDs ! I can't wait to add them to my own collection !

Oh, btw Roz ... I promised you Carpenters and I didn't deliver ... Will get right down to it, that is if you still want it. Sorry, babe !

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Up like a light

I slept early last night. Early like, 9 pm early. Someone had even commented that I am hopeless just like 'em British babies. I asked why (though I was secretly pleased to be compared to babies. You know 'em cute, cuddly creatures. Just like that big, blue bunny with lush lashes !) and he said, we share the same bedtime. Saddo, or what ? But. I woke up with a start quarter to midnight. And stayed up until now (Oh, I was a little disappointed that I had missed CSI ! =()

A couple of reasons I just couldn't go back to sleep. And no, drugs OR caffeine were not the root cause. My non-conventional "drug" was one of my current reads. Yes, the book given the top most position on the right column. And no, I didn't rank them officially but unofficially, the book right at the top ? Is the one I just could not put down.

If I do not have to go to work, I would have finished it by now. And gone back to sleep, of course. I need to make up for lost time. So right after work, I am jumping straight into bed. Cosying up with that book of course !

Oh, the other reason (not so much reason as an excuse(!)) was because I did not want to miss my morning meal again today !

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The winner takes it all

I didn't wake up for my morning meal today. Last meal I had last night was mee soto. I believe I can last the fast for today. It all boils down to mental strength. If the Subaru Impreza WRX Challenge constestants can tahan putting their palms on the cars for over 67 hours under the rain and shine, without sleep, dealing with a couple of 5 minutes break, I can also "ren".

Mental fortitude and faith are the key words !

What kind of Disease are you?

What kind of disease are you?


Helena is caused by Satan.

Helena creates a dire fear of cute lil' puppies in those infected by it.
To cure Helena, write bad goth poetry.

Scary pixelated picture. I am totally shivering in my cute socks !

Who Should You Vote?

You Should Vote For Kerry

John Kerry

Though You'd Rather Vote for Michael Moore

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Can we make pasta ? Please ?

So I sit here, thinking what should I write about on this glorious morning. I had written a couple of lines earlier on but the words sounded sappy and self absorbed. And sad. I figured, there is only so much sadness you can share with other people, the rest as they say, "belongs to you and only you".

A couple of teachers I took the school bus with this morning stated they had a good, restful weekend. It sort of made me think.

Did I have a good weekend ? Was what I did "good" for me ?? What then constitutes a good weekend ??? Spending precious time with family ? Having a great shopping trip ? Catching that good movie with fiends whom you hardly meet ? Reading and finishing that excellent book ? Picnic by the east coast ? Hot date ? What ????