silentscream Search

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Superfluous (... what ?) day

I am in the mood. To spend money. And I know what is the root of all this. I'm due in a week of my monthly visits from Auntie Rosie. Everytime she decides to visit me, a week before the actual visit, I am infused with this influx of hormonal changes.

Take yesterday for example. We had the "Goodbye/Going away" lunch do for Mrs M. And I was as high as a kite. I was really cheery / happy / NOT grumpy !!! I credited that mood to the cuppa I had in the morning. Although I was not a happy camper when I found out dear Mother made that cuppa for me. See what I mean ?

Today I was basically swamped with immigration matters. Thank goodness there is no meeting today. For the past 2 days, I left work at 6 ! Imagine the hours ! 8 am to 6 pm. And I still get paid peanut sauce ! (Hey ! Someone pass me those sticks of satay, please !)

Anyways, gonna have a short shut eye before I go back to the battleground !

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Someone gave feedback

I was told earlier this morning that my blog was not updated enough. So I told the person that I update it almost every day. The person retorted I don't have anything about my life. So I quipped that I am nothing therefore there is nothing to write. And then I realised something. Hey I am something (someone) ! I have damn something to write about !

Now let's see what shall I write.

*tap* ........ *tap* ........

*blink* ........ *blink* ........


*eyes rolling*

Dammit ! I have nothing to write !!! Now I gotta pre-Q from all that whistling !

I WILL write something. I know I have to !


Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday, Monday ....

Another work week has peeped through. Is there any reprieve aside from the weekends ? But anyways, it's pay day today. Something to look forward to.

*Yay !*

Full Time

Manchester United 2-0 Arsenal (losers !) !!!!

We kicked some good ass today ! Goals from Ruud van Nistelrooy and Wayne Rooney.

Damn ... this really made my week !

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Half Time

United 0-0 Arsenal.

Too much fire and not enough football as tempers flare.
(From Match Tracker)

The Red Devils vs The Gunners

I am sitting in front of the PC waiting for what was touted as the biggest game of this EPL season.


It's Manchester United versus Arsenal. One who's going in with not much hope of winning and the other going in as the shoo-in 3 points taker. But I am ready for an upset. Upset for those cocky, arrogant idiots who call themselves the Gunners' fans. Lick our boots, losers !

p/s: I'm sure you know which team I am rooting for !

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Early morning reads

I'm already at work since half hour ago. But I am in my prep room instead of the GO. I bet you my last dollar, when I eventually go over to GO, my boss's face will be very long.


He will think I was late. As usual, he will show me his pissed off face. But the fact remains that I don't have the key to the stupid office ! I don't know exactly what it is but I don't feel welcomed by him. Granted my move over is imminent and I know I won't be as close to him as the previous girl. But I usually don't pally with my bosses ! What is the point ? You do your job and at the end of the day, you leave work with a clear conscience. Not with politics, licking your bosses' rear ends or causing too much inefficiency. Sh*t.

I think I have enough of this place. As of now, I am actively looking for another job. Any lubangs, you guys ?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Swearing at work

Dear Employees:

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated.

We do however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative "TRY SAYING" phrases has been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

I think you could use more training.

You don't know what the f*** you're doing.

She's an aggressive go-getter.

She's a ball-busting b**ch.

Perhaps I can work late.

And when the f*** do you expect me to do this?

I'm certain that isn't feasible.

No f*****g way.


You've got to be sh***ing me!

Perhaps you should check with...

Tell someone who gives a sh**.

I wasn't involved in the project.

It's not my f*****g problem.

That's interesting.

What the f***?

I'm not sure this can be implemented.

This sh** won't work.

I'll try to schedule that.

Why the h*** didn't you tell me sooner?

He's not familiar with the issues.

He's got his head up his a**.

Excuse me, sir?

Eat sh** and die.

So you weren't happy with it?

Kiss my a**.

I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.

F*** it, I'm on salary.

I don't think you understand.

Shove it up your a**.

I love a challenge.

This job sucks.

You want me to take care of that?

Who the h*** died and made you boss?

He's somewhat insensitive.

He's a pr*ck.

Thank You
Human Resources

Morning after

I am so stoned ! The work in the GO is taking its toll on me. Then I realised something. I did not take any breaks yesterday ! Life's a bitch and then we die.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

3 Gorgeous Covers (!!!)

Below are the books I'm aiming to get. Just for the covers !

Line them all up and ....

New Way To Up Sexual Desire ?

A new study has found that women's sexual desire is heightened if they are near breast-feeding mothers.
Researchers say these women are turned on by a chemical odour from the mothers, and possibly their infants.
Scientists think the substance could be a pheromone that evolved to stimulate reproduction at the right time.
The pheromone would have helped encourage other women to reproduce when circumstances were good.
Pheromones are chemical signals picked up by the nose, but not detected as smells, which affect behaviour.
The study, led by Professor Martha McClintock, from the Institute for Mind and Biology at Chicago University, found that women with partners experience a 24 per cent increase in sexual desire after two months of exposure to sweat, milk and infant saliva samples collected from breast-feeding mothers.
Women without partners experience a 17 per cent increase in sexual fantasies over the same period.

-Press Association News (UK)

Uh-oh ..... so that explains my frequent visits to ( * )( * ) sites a year ago. My elder sister was staying with me then ....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Everybody scream ....

...... CSI 3 will be back on the small screen at 10 tonight !!!


Friday, October 15, 2004

Just a little something I picked up along the way

The Little Booger that Could

While some individuals might (mistakenly) equate the size of a country with its capabilities and general legitimacy, those of us with inside knowledge make no such mistake. In a flash of patriotic fervour, we get misty-eyes counting the ways this snot-sized island nation makes us think twice.

1. We really don't mind being one of the cleanest cities around. We get to walk down the street while admiring the clouds for more than two seconds without stepping into a pile of dog shit.

2. On this bureaucratically pristine dot we call home, "coffee money" just means 70 cents (kopi tiam) or $4 (cafe).

3. Big cars and bigger gardens may be scarce, but those who enjoy them rarely fall victim to kidnappers or drive-by shootings.

4. Hindu temples exist in Chinatown and mosques in Little India without incidence of bloodshed.

5. At hawker centers, we sometimes leave our handbags unattended - oops ! - and troop off to buy char kway teow, only to return to find them still in place.

6. Our international record-worthy feat of furnishing the squatter settlement hordes of the 1960s with proper - albeit rainbow coloured - public housing in just over one generation.

7. Singapore-made boots that save lives - seriously, Steel-soled Blast and Fragment Resistant boots invented by Andrew Vaz, formerly of the Defence Ministry, are of bullet proof material. A landmine-clearing worker in Sri Lanka escapes a blast with just a broken leg - thanks to these babies.

8. We can turn on the tap and guzzle what spurts forth without fear of contracting dysentry or cholera, despite a percentage of our water being recycled from the depths of the city sewers.

(Taken from I-S Magazine, Issue No. 226)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

La-di-da ...

"Don't say a prayer for me now, save it to the morning after." Duran Duran

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

No one can stop me if I want to die tomorrow

I am in a bit of a fix at the moment. I feel that I have so much more to offer the world at times and then there are moments when I feel the world is a much better place without me.
Met Ian on MSN, after the usual pleasantries, Ian mentioned that Eileen missed me at work. So I told him, no one really misses me anyway. I know because people (Eswari, Ruth and FM) said they missed me but they are not really missing me. Merely that my absence is out of the norm. What I mean is that people usually miss the normality of their life. Like me for instance, I miss work. I miss the normality of work. For the past 3 days, I have been able to lounge in bed longer than I usually could. I even managed afternoon naps when I know I shouldn't indulge in them. So anyways, people don't miss me. I am nothing but a plain wallpaper. Not even good enough for the kitchen, what more the living room ? Just consigned to a tiny corner in the loo. A small patch to cover the hairline cracks.
Am I sad of this fact ? Do I feel pity for myself ? Yes and no. Yes, because aside from my parents (and some days my sisters), I exist to NOT exist. No, because when I do leave, I won't break a lot of hearts. Afterall, when you were never really cared about, no one will miss you.
So I told Ian, the only reason I am trudging through the emptiness of my life is because of Mother. If she goes, then I will go too. No point in me staying on and having my heart broken everytime someone decides they don't love me anymore. I can't deal with that.
I hear my notes shrieking out my name. Best, shut them up, yeah ?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Complement Activation

Lectin Pathway

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) binds to foreign surface

MBL-associated proteases (MASP1 + 2) bind MBL

Generate activated C1-like complex

Activated C1-like complex cleave C4

(2 arrows forming C2a) Forms C4a and C4b

C1-like complex and C4b cleaves C2

C4b-C2b form complex (C3 convertase) [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step
Alternative Pathway

Serum factor B and Activated C3b (activated C3 will continuosly activate the complement system)


Note: C3b is inactivated by factors H and I. But the introduction of LPS and other substances protects C3b from H and I hence C3b will be activated

Activate serum factor D

Cleavage of factor B

C3bBb (stabilised by properdin) acts as a C3 convertase [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step
Classical Pathway

Activation of C1

Binding of C1 to Ab & Ag complex

C1q binds to at least 2 Fc

Conformational change (C1q)

Activates C1r and C1s (form C1 complex, bound by Ca ions)

Activated C1s cleave C4

(2 arrows forming C2a) Forms C4a and C4b

C1s and C4b cleaves C2

C4b-C2b form complex (C3 convertase) [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step

Monday, October 11, 2004

Sharing my favourite past time

I am so doomed ! I have not exactly managed to get down and dirty with Immunology. Why, oh why am I unable to resist the temptation from the dark side ? I blame Samuel ....

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Did you care ?

My last day of work today before I go on a 6 days leave. Exams a-coming so I need to focus. Yeah, right ... I'd been doing a lot of pleasure reading these past few nights. I was reading, To Be Someone by Louise Voss. I was attracted to this book because 1) the author shares the same name as an ex-teacher here, 2) the character's best friend is named Sam (!) and 3) the main character shares the same name as me ! Coincindentally the ex-teacher was also a Briton and Sam is one of my good friends ! Hehehe ... In my case, let's just say that aside from the same name, the starring issue the main character thought about has been playing a lot in my mind. To know what that is, read the book !

So anyways, I have no more reason to procrastinate. Must start revision later. Anyways, Sam came up with a proposition (?) that sounded very tempting. My first instinct was, "Yes, dammit ! I'll do it in a heartbeat !"

Gotta start work now. Oh wells, I'll probably check my email accounts first !

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Father did a very nice thing for me today. He cleaned up my room good. Yes, yes .... I am the worst in getting my room to rights. But Father was kind enough to vaccum the dust, dropped hair and other bits. Yeah, dust and hair that was left on the floor of my room for about, oh, five, six months. Father even cleared my newspapers. Papers that I buy everyday but forgo the reading and just chucked them on my mattress every morning from the bowels of my bag.

So anyways, my room looked quite decent enough now. Wonder how long it will take for it to be a wreck again ? Anyone care to open the bets ?

Monday, October 04, 2004


Hahahaha .....

When my post starts with the above, obviously the joke is always on me. Anyways, I am dead broke but I still manage to invest in a flash memory drive aka thumbdrive ! It was cheap, boy. For a 256 MB memory drive, it had only cost me 50 bucks. Yeah, 50 Sing bucks ! So now I have to cash in on my NSS allotment to be able to pay for my next semester's fees. No matter, as long as I'm happy !

I am planning to get books too. Hmmm ..... I am already aiming for The Mists of Avalon, the miniseries which I managed to catch yesterday at 4 pm. It was the second hour of the 2 part 4 hours made for tv miniseries ! Anyways, knowing me, I quickly yahoo-ed it and there is so much comments and reviews of the movie and book ! Piqued my interest and so I am soooooo getting the book. After I finished watching the series that is.

Another series of books I am planning to get is by Linda Francis Lee. A trilogy, and the cover of each book, oh boy ! You should goggle-ed for the new series. Damn nice covers and so I just gotta have them !

Guess I better end here. Need to get my beauty sleep. Work has been super draining ! Seriously, it's never easy trying to dabble in something new. As always, I really hope I am not screwing my future up by this decision I'd made.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

A loud shout out to .....

...... a birthday boy today !

Yowz babe, you know I didn't forget. You know I can't forget. The day you claimed to be your birthday ! Happy Birthday !!!! May all your wildest, wackiest dreams come true. And may all your Birthday (good) luck pass on to me for my exams ! *winks*



That is a pretty major emotion for me. Most of the time I am able to cope with this feeling when it decides to pay me a visit. But not this time round. I feel even worse because it will lead to a friend being maligned and tarnished reputation.

Life is shit, that way. Now I need to get my butt off my chair and get ready for work.