silentscream Search

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The day before September aka the last day of August

So well, it's Teachers' Day celebration today. Everything was okay. Nothing too boring neither was it too exciting. I had lab exams earlier in the morning and it was such a drag. Same old things to do. Prepare lab, wait for kids to finish, clean up lab. Anyways, next week is term break ! Cools ... I can catch up on my sleep !

I have to go up to JB for a staff retreat coming Sat. So I must get cracking on my assignment due next Monday. I have a headache now. Will cut it short. Anyways, this is like only the second day in a week I get to go home at 5. On the dot. Gonna take the opportunity of less crowd on the bus. So must really end now. Yeah. This is my final period. Period.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Halfway through

I am halfway through the preliminary practical exams.
I am halfway through my current part time degree course.
I am halfway through completing my assignments.
I am halfway through my friends.
I am halfway through my life.

I wish I was more done with my life. I know I don't want to live beyond 40. So I have 17 more years to prepare myself. But I don't need to. I have been preparing to die since the day I realised death is the opposite of life. In death we find solace, but our unconscious state of mind has already found that solace in life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

FW: [Jokes] - The Mother of All Chain Mails

To all my friends, thank you for sending me chain letters in 2004:

I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it's good for removing toilet stains.

I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected with AIDS.

I smell like a dog since I stopped using deodorants because they cause cancer.

I don't leave my car in the parking lot or any other place and sometimes I even have to walk about 7 blocks for fear that someone will drug me with a perfume sample and try to rob me.

I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they would ask me to dial a stupid number and then I get a phone bill from hell with calls to Uganda, Singapore and Tokyo.

I stopped consuming several foods for fear that the estrogens they contain may turn me gay.

I also stopped eating chicken and burgers because they are nothing other than horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers that are bred in a lab so that places like McDonalds can sell their Big Macs.

I also stopped drinking anything out of a can for fear that I will get sick from the rat faeces and urine.

I think I'm turning gay because when I go to parties, I don't look at any girl no matter how hot she is, for fear that she will take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.

I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girl that was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times. Funny that girl, she's been 7 since 1993...

I went bankrupt from bounced checks that I made expecting the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL were supposed to send me when I participated in their special e-mail program. My Ericcson phone never arrived and neither did the passes for a paid vacation to Disneyland.

But I am positive that all these is the cause of a stinking chain that I broke or forgot to follow and I got a curse from hell.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't send this e-mail to at least 1200 people in the next 10 seconds, a bird will crap on you today at 7 pm. Don't believe? Try it!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Preliminary examinations

I will be super busy this week and next. So posting on my blog page will be sporadic. I'm up to my neck wih my course assignments and my delicate nature *sic* does not help one bit.

I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world, And fool enough to think that's what I'll find. ::The Carpenters::

Friday, August 20, 2004

The day before Saturday

Wet, wet afternoon. Dark clouds gathered and downpour seemed imminent. Then the skies opened and the blast of water came down in huge jets. Ten minutes later, the all clear signal was given. The winds died down and the tears from the big grey above ended. All evidence of the-not-so sunny day was just wet grounds. And the wafting smell of rain in the air.

I love rainy days.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

FW: What you may get when u fly cheap airlines ....

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain (Mr Chin Chye Lai) welcoming you on board ..... I apologise if I cannot see you ... I can't see anything from my cockpit anyway, the lights are not working ....

We apologise for the delay in taking off, some minor problem, just replace the engine, new engine cannibalised from the aircraft that decided to take a swim in the South China Sea ...

This is flight 126 from Senaisini to New Delhi. Landing in Delhi is not guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in the region. And if luck is on our side, we may even be landing on your village!

Standards are such that even the terrorists are afraid to fly with us! It is with pleasure that I announce that starting this year over 50 of our passengers have reached their destination. For the ones that don't quite make it, our staff have all the requisite experience for consoling the next-of-kin. Our stewardess, Anjali, will be happy to brief you on our out-of-court settlement policies.

If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can arrange to turn them off. To make your free fall to earth pleasant and memorable, we serve complimentary samosas and lassi. For our not-so-religious passengers, we are the only airline who can help you find out if there really is a God.

We regret to inform you, that today's in-flight movie ("Hands off my Chutney") will not be shown, as we forgot to record it from the television. But for our movie buffs, we will be flying alongside Singapore Airlines, where their movie will be visible from the right side of the cabin window.

We regret to advise that smoking is prohibited on this flight. Any smoke you see in the cabin is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to slow down. Life jackets are positioned under your seats and free bathing costumes are made available to the Aunties and swimming shorts to the Uncles ....... It is likely that you will need them later.

Kindly be seated, keep your seat in an upright position for takeoff and fasten your belt. For those of you who can't find a seat belt, kindly fasten your own belt to the arm of your seat. For those of you who don't have a seat, do not hesitate to get in touch with our stewardess, Anjali, who will explain how to fasten yourself to your suitcase. Otherwise suka lu lah ....

If I don't see you again, enjoy your flight with Air Chinchye.

Thank you.

Monday, August 16, 2004

~ Goodbye To Love ~ The Carpenters

I'll say goodbye to love. No one ever cared if I should live or die. Time and time again the chance for love has passed me by, and all I know of love is how to live without it, I just can't seem to find it.

So I've made my mind up, I must live my life alone. And though it's not the easy way, I guess I've always known I'd say goodbye to love. There are no tomorrows for this heart of mine. Surely time will lose these bitter memories and I'll find that there is someone to believe in and to live for. Something I could live for.

All the years of useless search, have finally reached an end. Loneliness and empty days will be my only friend. From this day love is forgotten, I'll go on as best I can.

What lies in the future is a mystery to us all. No one can predict the wheel of fortune as it falls. There may come a time when I will see that I've been wwrong. But for now this is my song.

And it's goodbye to love.
I'll say goodbye to love.

Baby fairy's the name of the game

Waaaaaahahahahaha ....


M. Night Shyamalan's The Village

I stayed up past 2 am because I cannot put down Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The book is like so ... Hmmmm ... Unputdownable ! Really !!! I was even toying with the idea of not sleeping at all last night ! In the end rationality won and I put down the (tiny) Nokia flash (coz it kept flashing !) light for good and laid on my left. I was trying so damn hard to stop my brain from whirring to the last page/chapter I'd read. Now I am tempted to read as much as I could at work ! Trying hard to resist the temptation though. I don't know if I can make it !

And guess what people ? I finally get to go watch this movie (title) this evening ! Actually planned to do this some time ago with Chloe but had to postpone it twice ! Not gonna miss it tonight though !

Oh, Man Utd lost the very first EPL match ! So disappointing ! And to Moneybags Chelsea !!! Is this the sign of the end of the reign of Sir Alex in MUFC ? But no matter, one can never write off that team. Bag of tricks from the wily old fox (Sir Alex !) will make an appearance ! *chants "Glory, glory Man United !" until fades*

Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's strange

why you always have the need to argue with the ones you care about. It's like everything is cool and fine and just that hair trigger moment, you start raising your voice as if the other person is hard of hearing. Take for example what just happened to me.

My mom was searching for her mobile and she asked me where it is. I told her it's where it usually is. She couldn't find it and gave me that accusatory look. I then helped her look for it and guess where it was ? In her bag ! She told me she looked or at least put her hand through and rummaged but couldn't find it. So I thought all was well, when she came in again and told me that she can't get rid of somethings on her phone.

I took a look, fiddled a little and voila ! And again she was not happy because the number kept popping up. So I showed her how to do it and again it showed up. By now we were both losing our cools. Finally I realised that the number pops because it's like the auto save for the address book. Told her so and told not to worry much. She went out of the room feeling a bit cheesed off. In a way I had called her stupid or inept (it was more she said it about herself and I didn't argue the point).

Now I am feeling the guilty pangs. Oh wells ... Gotta go bathe now.

BTW, it'd been a good lazy Sunday.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the thirteenth .... *twilight zoning*

I have big ass ulcer nestled prim and proper on the membrane of the piece of tissue connecting the inside of my lower lip to my gums. It's having a life of its own, growing bigger everyday. It's a giant ass ulcer and it's killing my brain cells !
Had Immuno class today. It was kinda dry, basically covering the parts of the antibody. Heavy chain, light chain, kappa, gamma .... Feels like I'm in some kinda frat party ! Talking about frat parties, had Ice Blended Caramba with a slice of Chicago Cheesecake from CoffeeBean with Kav and Chloe before class. Not the best of combination for a snack ! Almost had a massive puking session in class because what we had consumed were too rich for the likes of us ! Chloe and I managed to maintain but Kav succumbed !!
It was a great class session tonight because again we spent the time passing notes and giggling like mad school girls. No wonder I don't know what the hell was 'appenin' in class again !

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Swearing in, allowed.

How cool is the swearing in session ? Really cool ! The new PM is really charismatic. And easy on the eyes to boot !

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

You have not seen a deader person until you see me !

I am so screwed ! Assignment's due this Friday and I'm not even 10% done. I'm deader than a dead person. It was all my fault to blame !


"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Sick ...

Into the second day of Passion and I am tired of it ! I mean like, did I really commit to have this "face" for the next 21 days ? 3 weeks ?!?


Monday, August 09, 2004

Fireworks ?!? I LOVE !!!!

Out of all the whole show, the best portion is always the fireworks. Every year, the fireworks are the one that rock my socks ! And for that, I sat through the horrible remixing of original favourites. They totally mangled the first part of the show. Horrible, horrible renditions of the old classics !

Oh, btw people ... If in case you hated this new "face", too bad !! You would have to bear with it for the whole of this month !
And well ... It's a good thing my page does not rely on the number of people surfing by. So you guys can totally skip this page for a whole month. But just remember, you'd be breaking my heart ! *winks*

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Now the party is really startin' ...

Red and white blogskin.

How much more patriotic can I get ? Even the stars make an appearance when you click anywhere on the page.

Bwaaaahahahaha .....

Happy National Day, 'ya'll !

Okay I am going to write the first thought that had been swimming in my mind. I seriously suspect there is more than meets the eye between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. I know, I know, I keep on harping about them but didn't you think that they were the original Golden couple of Hollywood ?

For instance, latest news. Both of them have movies out now. Collateral for TC and The Stepford Wives for NK. Granted NK's movie had opened some time back in te US but still. Coincidence ? I think not ! And remember when both went single again ? It was one big hoo-ha of news ! Seriously. Give it some thought and you would realise the truth behind this conspiracy theory.

I am seriously stuffed from lunch. Indulged myself by cooking maggi mee. Hmmm ... they are the best ! I can virtually eat it everyday. And chicken rice. The white chicken rice. Mmmmmmm ... the smell of the fragrant rice (ginger and garlic, yums !) and the spiciness of the lime chilli. Oh mans .... I'm salivating again ! I know what to have for dinner tonight !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Shall we say I was too haste ?

Bwahahahaha ....

Guess what I've been doing this whole weekend ? Busy copying 3 seasons of SATC for a colleague ! And I spent the better part of yesterday trying to find a suitable software (or rather freeware !) to bypass the copyright protection and copying the episodes to the blank dvds ! Mentally exhausting especially when you don't know what the f**k you were doing ! But everything is well and done. Finally I can start on my assignments. Well, yeah. I was probably asking for it when I (proudly) proclaim that my PC can copy DVDs. Yeah, well ... no more ! At least after 2 more seasons of SATC and my Love Actually !

Bwaahahahaaha ......

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hah-py Burf-dae Shaheeda !

The title says it all !

Have a great one, gurl !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


I write here not to tempt.
I write to ease my mind.
When I feel like I can't disclose,
I post an entry to my faithful blogpage.
When I feel like I can't be understood,
I sit in front of my PC and cry.
I cry because I write.
I write what I feel and right now I feel extreme sadness.
I feel extreme disappointment.
And then my tears well.

Does my upturned frown belies the underlying sadness ?

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

The Jupitian - Interplanetary Visit by Samuel Kegan

You are hearing / reading this first here. Unless of course you had been surfing to Samuel's blogpage, then you would have read the great, big annoucement. For the uninitiated, Samuel's first book is going to be published by year's end. Okay, in a shameless bid for publicity and readership, please surf through to his page and read the synopsis of his first book. It will sort of whet your appetite, if the Sci-Fi genre is your thing. Well, it did mine because I've actually read one of the very first draft of the book. And I must say, the revisions did over the years should give it more flesh and blood. I applaud his courage. Really.

So anyway, Sam dear, Congratulations on the upcoming book !

And guys, watch this space for more updates !

Oh, and not to forget ...

Congratulations to Jerian for passing her driving test yesterday !!!

All my peeps are going places but I'll be here giving full support ! ::-:: Helena

Monday, August 02, 2004

New addition to my contest prizes

Hey, what can I say ???

2004 is one lucky year for me. I'd amassed quite a fair bit of contest winnings. And the latest to join the coffers is a digital camera. I mean seriously !!! All I can say is that I'm really thankful and greatful that I've been given a lot of things. Shelter, food, clothing, parents and family members, friends, job and lately, freebies !

Click here to have a look see. And I didn't lie !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon