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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lousy duck with an 'f'

It's been a while since I last blogged. I mean actually go into Blogger to blog. All I do these days is to email blog. Fast and effective solutions. Even so, this is like only the second post of this week.

Did I tell you I am down with flu ? Again ? I mean craps ! I know I mentioned this before, but I cannot get over the fact that since I started my job, I've been on MC far too many times to my liking. I never used to be sick so often in my school days. Is it just me or is the environment getting pretty buggy ? Craps ! If I believe in conspiracy theories, I would definitely think some big, bugger nations are slowly releasing biological toxins around the world. Depresses the immune system and make people go wonky on each other. Easy enough to explain the monstrosities you read in the papers day in, day out.

Craps. I have a pounding headache. Everytime I coughed, the area around my forehead felt crushed to my skull. And if I don't cough, my throat scratched me to the point of insanity. Have I mentioned enough times that I hated being sick ? Going into whiny, bitchin' me, I'd probably would have been better off, taking a day's rest at home. But that would mean I would have no grounds to whine and bitch. Attention-seeking bitch, some of you might read, and yeah on some level I wanted to show the duckers (with an 'f') in management how much they would stand to lose should I decide to leave their *sniggers* fine establishment. All done in vain of course. No one here notice the plain wallflower consigned to the prep room. She meant nothing, she is nothing. That's the message I got from the oh M(anagement)ighty one. Craps.

So anyways, the reason for my writing in today is to ask a proverbial question. If your dearest told you that you are a lousy fuck, what do you do ? Do you, smile back and say, "I'll do better next time." or do you snapped back, "So are you asshole." ? Or would you cry your eyes out, reflect on what you did wrong or didn't dare do, break up with the dearest and poured your heart and soul on your weblog ?

Monday, July 26, 2004

Buggered by the B - U - G

Harhar .... I caught the flu bug again. So everything in my world is generally, tasteless, grey and lazed. I wanna go home now .... My tum-tums kinda giving me problems now. I wanna puke out my lunch ..... Did I ever tell you how much I hated being sick/ill/unwell ???? Malaise .... Woozy ..... Pukey ..... Yups. Sums up my entire day ...

Celine Dion's Only One Road playing on radio now ... *bliss*

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Getting something new

Yaay !!!!!

I'm gonna get my mom's new mobile later after work ! I can't wait to see if it's as good lookin' as the pictures depicted ... I might get one myself ! I am in this crazed mood. I just want to spend and spend ! It's as though all of a sudden I realised I need to get new stuff ! Argghhh ... This is what being skint does to the human psyche ! Wonder what to have for dinner later ... Sushi perhaps ????

mmmmmmmmmmmmm .........

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

For real ?

What is the deal with this SMS ? Read on ....

This is special gift for every S-M-S user. Just send this message to another 10 S-M-S user and you'll get $200 free automatic.

Yes, I received this message 3 times yesterday. And no I am not so gulliable as to forward this to another 10 people on my contact list. I copied this directly from my Inbox with all it's bad grammar and weird phrasing in its full glory. Come on people. How can you guys be taken in by this nonsense ??? Who started this prank ? Who personally increased the SMS load on our 3 distinguished service providers ? And my guess as to whom will get that "$200 free automatic" are the service providers ! Hello people ! Wake and re-read the text message ! I mean have you ever received any SMS from your service providers ??? I'm sure if they have a "promotional" deal like this going on, I am definitely positive they would personally SMS the selected party. Can you imagine how much losses these companies would have to incur if they were to give each end user $200 ? Be smart people. This is one of the few examples of SPAM SMS we should consign to the trash can once we received it !

So anyways people. For those who have yet to receive this nonsense, good on you. For those who have this sitting in their Inbox, press that delete button NOW (I'm deleting all 3 as I write) ! For those who are thinking of forwarding this crap to me, don't you even dare .... I am happier knowing you are thinking about me when you DO NOT send me the SMS.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

FW: Resignation letter

Dear Sir (Sir my ass!)

This will confirm my fucking resignation with your fucked up company. I have accepted a lucrative position with a company where being a bitch is not a job prerequisite for managerial skills. I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me, unlike when I worked with you assholes. My last day of work will be when you realize I came in the night before and cleaned out my desk, including all the stationery supplies I requested and received last week. (haha!)

I've deliberately left lots of undone shit for the new fucker, not forgetting the ongoing projects I never completed. I'm certain your dumb ass will never figure out what's happening. Once the company finds out that you don't know a damn thing, they will not only fire my replacement but your ass as well.

Please feel free not to say a damn thing to me should you see me on the streets, unless you want your ass kicked. My experience with this fucking company has been very unrewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to use you as a stepping stone to a better future.

I wish you and the organization not a fucking thing. Fuck you very much till your 18 generations! My worst regards to you and your bitch-ass mother-fuckers!

Insincerely Yours,

Ms. Tiu Nia Sing
"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Monday, July 19, 2004

Can't think of a good title for this post

Seriously people. I am not that bad at all. I might have some questionable musical and reading tastes but I donÂ?t think I am much of a different person as, say, an average Jane on the street. I like to laugh. I hate it when people bugged me too much. I get bruised when I bang into the door knob. I want to feel safe from all the nasties of the world. I want to be able to get myself out of the holes I jumped into sometimes. I hate the taste of my own (smelly) feet in my mouth. I get hurt and I feel pain. I find joy and burst out in a hearty laugh. I tease and get teased in return.

The point I'm trying to make here. I am as much a human being as the next person. Please handle me with care even if I may seemed to not be fragile.

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm not a perfect person


It's official. I don't think I will skip classes ever again. At least not for Immunology. The lecturer we had this time round was not too bad. She was alright. No. Better than that. Maybe because I'd gone through a "nasty" lecturer while I was in TP doing Immuno. At least now I know, no one can be as horrid as CYY. No one liked him. Hmmm ... based on the personal poll I took. With the exception of say, WY. The other people I hanged out with dislike him with a fervor. Me included. But that was in the past. The future is now and I like what I sat through so I will do it again.

Just had a cleansing moment with an ex-colleague. I know I was nasty to her. I regretted the moments that I was. We were close the best part of last year. Sharing confidences. Though I must admit, at times I was really a horrible person. How can I ever be that person, I never knew. If I'm being honest with myself, I'd say I was jealous. The green-eyed monster bit me. Excuses, but it's a fact I realised upon reflection. I guess I thought how could anyone dare to be closer to the person I introduced them to than I was. Okay let me put it simply. How can the 2 very people who are my friends be so close, closer than I was with each ? Stupid excuse but well, rationality has no bearing when someone is consumed with too much of an emotion. GOD ! I was so stupid ! Why couldn't I just let it all go ? Why can't I just be grateful that on some tiny level, I'd brought 2 people together ? People who would never have anything in common in the first place. So I post this "sob" story to get some kind of absolvement. Now she's gone to another environment. I hope it will turn out to be much better for her there than it was here. She is kind enough to not make an issue out of it. I asked if we could start over and I have to say she has the right to decline my offer. Afterall I acted like a complete bitch towards her.

I'm melancholic. I missed my departed cats. Missed them so much I could cry. And I really wanna cry but I've got no valid reasons to. Guess when I'm all tucked in bed later, I'll say a prayer and a tiny sob for all the pain in the world. For all the people who had been hurt, knowingly or otherwise. I will remember that pain inflicted is pain received.

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate?


Whether you're a daredevil or you just imagine playing one on the big screen, you're definitely an outgoing individual who likes to march to the beat of your own drummer. You always seem to make a statement and a lasting impression wherever your bold behavior takes you. Shy, silver-screen superstars need not apply to be your soul mate.

Only someone who's daring and self-assured is right for the part to play your soul mate. A hottie like Colin Farrell is just the kind of sexy star who'd be able to keep up with your adventurous attitude. Whatever you decide to do on your dates, it's clear you two will certainly take Tinseltown by storm. So keep your eyes open for someone who's as bold as you are to be your co-star in real-life romance!

What's Your Eating Style?

Relaxed Eater

You understand that food is more than just about sustenance. Overall, you treat yourself well. Even if you are not always successful at it, having sit-down meals three times a day is your ideal. You also try to be regular with your portions and the times that you eat on a day-to-day basis. At first, this may sound like you have a common pattern. Your pattern is, in fact, extremely sensible, but unfortunately, not that common these days. You may find that you are one of the few people in your work place or community that actually sits down for three square meals. But when it comes to food, your priorities seem to be in order. You avoid eating as if it's a competitive race to the finish; rather you savor your meals and allow yourself the lost art of enjoying the eating experience itself. Taking the time to sit down and share a meal and conversation with family and friends signals that you do understand that it is important to have balance in your life.

But even you can eat differently when certain emotions trigger your natural eating pattern.

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Sympathetic Sidekick

No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company.

While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Today sucks

Today's entry: Bitch fest.

Sometimes I wonder why do I bother to take the shit thrown by the crappy people ? Why do I even bother when no one even seemed to care. I wasted time, effort and energies and what do I get in return ? More shit ! I'm not asking for much. Just a little recognition that I went out of my way to make sure everything runs smoothly. IF I'm a complete bitch, I'd blown this joint a long time ago. I don't need this kind of stress for this meagre way I call earning a living. I'm starting to hate this place. And I DON'T hate. Never hate because that is the lowest form of human emotion ever. So I don't HATE, but I cannot NOT hate this place. I should stress that some people here treat me like I'm lower than dirt. All I will say in return is for them to do something anatomically challenged. I'm just gonna sit quietly and stew. Now.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Load crap, release load

This is going to be one of my self pity entry. Just a fair warning to those who don't have the need to consume more misery. Go away, now.

I have affirmed my faith that I sucked. Academically speaking, I am the queen of sucked-ness. I realise that now and I bow down to the great ones, a.k.a the ones who don't suck. Four down, four more to go. I still have to try to bring up my cumulative GPA. Again, if I'm still stuck in self pity, there is no hope that I can even do good. Suck is as suck does. I SUckED !!!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Do what pleases you

I've come to this juncture in my life. I have to stop caring, period.

Happy Birthday Jer !

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Wildest Love ~ Southern Sons

It's just talk Small conversation, but it's talk But it's no consolation I go out of my head Thinking of your smile It's a touch Though I know that there hasn't been too much But my mind start to wander I'll be easily led Just to have a little of your love

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love

I am strong I have had good intentions all along But you take my defences and you tear them apart Occupy my heart with your voice May I say that you've given me no choice Tender smiles of complicity If someone's around Can't you see my feet have left the ground

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
And though I see the signs of warning
It is much too late...

You've been under my skin For the longest time Tell the world where we've been That we're gone

In a trance Here's a song to the memory of this change Whole constellations moving over our heads Cannot match what I see in your eyes

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
And though I see the signs of warning
It is much too late...
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Now, back to the mundane

Everybody scream .... What for ??? I'm staying late at work starting this week ! *sighs* City Harvest's schedule is back on the running track, so accumulate, accumulate time off hours. Oh wells .... Better than nothing.

My new term classes will officially start next Friday. Yeah. Every Friday, every week .... *sighs* I hope this term will be a better term for me. *chants repeatedly*

Anyways, my results will be out this Saturday !!!!!


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

To you I belong

It’s great that you can email yourself your blog post from anywhere. And I mean, anywhere. I had a wonderful day at home yesterday. After I collected my The Carpenters paraphernalia, Mom, Ayu and I headed down to Tekka because I have a craving for masalah dosai. Walked a bit, and by then Ayu was already complaining of tiredness. Headed home and I basically spent the rest of the time after dinner with my winnings ! The records were wonderful. Karen Carpenter’s voice was so melodic and soulful. Then I tried the DVD, it so totally rocked ! Well. I guess they will be in my discman for quite some time.

Another thing. It seems that I am really meant to keep my xbox ! Just without the games, of course !

Monday, July 05, 2004

Putting your money where your mouth is

The story of the Greek victory in the recently concluded Euro 2004.

Enough said.

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Words of wisdom from the cigarette smoking man

"The fiercest enemy is the man who has nothing left to lose."

Day in, watching movies and reading

I watched The Marix Revolutions. FINALLY ! It was good. Although I must admit I didn't totally get it. The message behind the whole life form of the matrix. You guys must think either I'm incredibly dense or hmmmm .... dense ! I guess I just have to watch a couple more times to scrutinise the ending. I am hitting yahoo to help me with the "getting it" of the movie. Kind of exciting and interesting to read the others' take on the trilogy. Anyway, I'm watching Days of Thunder now. I remember how I fell in love with Tom Cruise. Now it seems like I'm falling all over again ! *sighs*

BTW, it was TC's 42nd birthday yesterday. Did anyone know this ?

Warm milk, frozen lime margarita and G&T

I can honestly say that tonight was the most fun I had with my colleagues in a long while. The setting was simple, we would meet up for drinks. And because coordinating with people is a tad too difficult, our initial plans to go to Somerset's Bar was discarded in favour of Starbucks. Even so, it was not a second rate meeting place. Maybe because it's due to the company of these friends of mine. Hey people, thanks for the good moments. Have a nice weekend ahead. I'm going to bed now. Night everyone !

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Bus shelter ad

Shopping at the Great Singapore Sale: $115

Convincing your husband you can't pick him up because you don't know where the car is: Priceless