silentscream Search

Friday, May 14, 2004

Ponderings ......

Sitting here at my work place, with the aircon down, I keep thinking what a "fortunate" lot we all are. Being here, at this particular time and space. With all sorts of horrific news and events bombarding the average person, one cannot help but wonder if we all will one day see a moment when all the "noise" will cease to exist.

I'm not asking for a lot. Just a moment. When all the people, all 5.7 billion of us would, at that precise moment be united in the silence. No more lies, no more empty promises, no more agonising screams. After all if everyone is "screaming" at the same time, who is then left to listen ? To sort out the kinks that can lead to many irreparable damages ? This day and age has become a story of some kind of upmanship between the mighty. The kind where innocent lives are executed in the name of revenge. A kind that said, "I'll hurt you so bad until you will not see the second term of presidency because I'm retaliating to the injustice you had done to 'my people'."

Really people, what kind of an impression are we showing the younger ones ? Is this really a world you would want to be bringing your offspring to ? It's sad that there is no more safe place on earth with the exception of maybe 6 feet under. But even then, you would have to contend with grave diggers and medical schools stealing DBs, be it for the worldly possessions or research. Ultimately for their own greedy manifestations.

And then where does that leave us ? You know, I never thought I'd ever say this out loud but really, to borrow a line from an exceptionally gifted musician, Freddie Mercury, "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all".

Oh, to be able to delve in the minds of the youths. The most reckless population of the world. Them with their idealistic notions that they can change the world and make a difference. Them with the most selfish attitude, to correct the wrongs of the forefathers. Oh, what a whole load of bull awaits them. The rose coloured view of all that is sweet and innocent will be lost forever and all that there is left are the degradation of morality and humanity. No more missions to fight the good fight. Jaded, tired and used, them will go to bed, thinking the failures of yesteryears. No more direction in life so you might as well as not lived at all.

If not, then it's just me alone.

..... are a bitch.

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