silentscream Search

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The lengths I go .....

..... just to view the video clip of Conte Partiro !!!

Had the file transferred over from Samuel. What with him behind his Uni's firewall, a 40MB file which usually take 30-45 minutes to retrieve, set me back 5 bloody hours !!! Mans, during that period of time, I managed to bring my Solitaire winnings back to the black after spending half the time in the red zone. Had a really refreshing shower after which I had a really heavy dinner (satay was what my dad bought for dinner !). Managed a couple of head-banging sessions to Green Day and Blur. Read The Forensics Casebook, covering 4 topics ! Even had a short nap in between. After the stress subjected to my sweetness (my PC, of course), it decided to force me to let it have a break. So what does it do ? Hanged itself of course. And all these "sacrifices" for a little over 3 minutes of bad quality clip. Mans, the disappointment !

Anyways, I'm looking to expand my media library. If you guys deign it fit to help me, just send me an email, okays ? I'll meet you online for the file transfers as long as you are not under heavy firewall obstructions, I don't mind the wait ! Oooooh ..... bootlegged movies are da' bomb !!!!

Disclaimer ~ Author does not support any illegally copied materials out of free will. Author is usually under heavy criticisms for being critical of pirated movies and cds. Author is also an advocate to "Buy Original" slogan. As much a possible, Author will fork out her last 20 bucks on a good cd. Any files of media transferred across the web are merely seen as "strictly" data transfer. Does not mean to cause a loss of revenue to associated artistes, be them dead or alive. Further enquiries can be directed to the silent linkages or via email.

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