silentscream Search

Monday, May 24, 2004

Bitch, bitch, bitch ....

I'm taking 4 hours time off today. So I will be leaving in less than an hour's time. I really cannot tahan. My nose's all stuffy and drippy. My throat's itching like mad. My eyelids are droopy. My scalp's needing a good scratch. My body's all achy. And the humongous pimple on my right cheek is not helping. None at all. I want my mommy. But Mommy's sick too. I want my kitties, but I might infect them .... I need a hug .... A nice, warm snuggly hug from a nice pair of arms. *sniffles*

I hate being sick. I really do. Make me better. Now !

Being sick makes me whiny, needy and bitchy. The attributes I really hate to have in me. Arrrrrghhhh .... I rather be shot than be sick.

Bang, Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) ~ Nancy Sinatra

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He could always win the fight

Bang bang he shot me down
Bang bang I hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang my baby shot me down

Seasons came and changed the time
When I grew up, I called him mine
He would always laugh and say
Remember when we used to play

Bang bang I shot you down
Bang bang you hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang I used to shoot you down

The music played and people sang
And just for me the church bells rang

Now he's gone I don't know why
And till this day some times I cry
He didn't even say goodbye
He didn't take the time to lie

Bang bang he shot me down
Bang bang I hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang my baby shot me down

Yeap .... Bang-bang .....

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