silentscream Search

Monday, May 31, 2004

For the best part of the morning, my school server was out. This was because it had to be shut down on Saturday so that it does not screw up when the power was cut for 2 hours yesterday. So for the best part of the morning, I was without internet connection. Missed my usual morning chit-chat with my dear ! :(

No matter.

Tomorrow is another day for catching up. If not later in the evening. So instead of mindlessly surfing the net, I did my simulation practical. Not that easy, boy ! My web browser is still konking out on me. I don't know what happened. All I know is that the problem started when I cleaned off the malware that infected my work system. From then on, my browser either did not open the window or hang in virtual time. It's so freaking irritating ! Luckily for me, I am not totally cut off from all the wonderful webpages (hence, my ability to post on my blogpage). The saviour comes in the form of ..... *drum rolls* .... Microsoft Outlook !!!!! *wild clappings*

So anyways, I gotta get back to my simulation practical. So many more to go, so little time left to do so .... *sighs*

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