silentscream Search

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hi ya all !!!!

I got the day off today. Off being on medical leave. Spent the day between alternatively awake and asleep. Reality versus dream world. I'm liking the dream world so much. The cold medication is good for me mans. Just taking it twice, so far, the nose stopped the drippy thing and the throat stopped the itchin' bit. Nice .... Nice ... Drug ..... Skipped the cough medicine though. Too much codeine !!! Well, as general rule, I'd always skipped the cough mixture. *winks*

Anyways, back to work for me tomorrow. Preparations for a practical exam will consume my whole morning. Followed by the whole of afternoon of stoning in front of my work PC. And to top it all off, the early evening, washing of a hundred test tubes (yeah, I'll be counting !). Fun is such an exact word ! *eye rolls*

However, something to look forward in the evening. Will be meeting up with my homies (gosh ! Sounding so much like such a fake !) !!!! All right, all right ..... Will be spending some time with Sha and Fie. Guess that more or less wrap up the entry for the day. Back for more torture tomorrow ... ????!!!!

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