silentscream Search

Monday, May 31, 2004

For the best part of the morning, my school server was out. This was because it had to be shut down on Saturday so that it does not screw up when the power was cut for 2 hours yesterday. So for the best part of the morning, I was without internet connection. Missed my usual morning chit-chat with my dear ! :(

No matter.

Tomorrow is another day for catching up. If not later in the evening. So instead of mindlessly surfing the net, I did my simulation practical. Not that easy, boy ! My web browser is still konking out on me. I don't know what happened. All I know is that the problem started when I cleaned off the malware that infected my work system. From then on, my browser either did not open the window or hang in virtual time. It's so freaking irritating ! Luckily for me, I am not totally cut off from all the wonderful webpages (hence, my ability to post on my blogpage). The saviour comes in the form of ..... *drum rolls* .... Microsoft Outlook !!!!! *wild clappings*

So anyways, I gotta get back to my simulation practical. So many more to go, so little time left to do so .... *sighs*

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Hiya Gorgeous ....

Well, I'd been wanting to try out that line for the longest time. Call me a romantic or deluded fool but I think it's such an affectionate way to get the attention of a loved one. It's a short yet sweet greeting that conveys a lot of things.

I wonder when will my turn come when someone would greet me with that phrase .....

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I am SOOOOOOO hungry ! I just feel like eating and eating and never stopping. I feel like having chicken rice, hor fun, carrot cake (black-black), ice kacang, the new double edged pizza, chap chye, chocolate cake, mushrooms !!!! Ahhhhh ..... Food, glorious food .....

As mentioned in the previous post, everything is going to plans. I'm now staring morosely at the computer screen for the next hour fifteen. I should be doing my simulation practical but I don't want to install the programme on my work PC. Bad enough that I am always nuah-ing here. Just once I should make better use of my company's generosity.

Word games, here I come !!!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hi ya all !!!!

I got the day off today. Off being on medical leave. Spent the day between alternatively awake and asleep. Reality versus dream world. I'm liking the dream world so much. The cold medication is good for me mans. Just taking it twice, so far, the nose stopped the drippy thing and the throat stopped the itchin' bit. Nice .... Nice ... Drug ..... Skipped the cough medicine though. Too much codeine !!! Well, as general rule, I'd always skipped the cough mixture. *winks*

Anyways, back to work for me tomorrow. Preparations for a practical exam will consume my whole morning. Followed by the whole of afternoon of stoning in front of my work PC. And to top it all off, the early evening, washing of a hundred test tubes (yeah, I'll be counting !). Fun is such an exact word ! *eye rolls*

However, something to look forward in the evening. Will be meeting up with my homies (gosh ! Sounding so much like such a fake !) !!!! All right, all right ..... Will be spending some time with Sha and Fie. Guess that more or less wrap up the entry for the day. Back for more torture tomorrow ... ????!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Bitch, bitch, bitch ....

I'm taking 4 hours time off today. So I will be leaving in less than an hour's time. I really cannot tahan. My nose's all stuffy and drippy. My throat's itching like mad. My eyelids are droopy. My scalp's needing a good scratch. My body's all achy. And the humongous pimple on my right cheek is not helping. None at all. I want my mommy. But Mommy's sick too. I want my kitties, but I might infect them .... I need a hug .... A nice, warm snuggly hug from a nice pair of arms. *sniffles*

I hate being sick. I really do. Make me better. Now !

Being sick makes me whiny, needy and bitchy. The attributes I really hate to have in me. Arrrrrghhhh .... I rather be shot than be sick.

Bang, Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) ~ Nancy Sinatra

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He could always win the fight

Bang bang he shot me down
Bang bang I hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang my baby shot me down

Seasons came and changed the time
When I grew up, I called him mine
He would always laugh and say
Remember when we used to play

Bang bang I shot you down
Bang bang you hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang I used to shoot you down

The music played and people sang
And just for me the church bells rang

Now he's gone I don't know why
And till this day some times I cry
He didn't even say goodbye
He didn't take the time to lie

Bang bang he shot me down
Bang bang I hit the ground
Bang bang that awful sound
Bang bang my baby shot me down

Yeap .... Bang-bang .....

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I still have the flu bug. I'm feeling real lousy. Now everyone at home got it too. My mother got hit the worse. Poor dear was stuck in bed the whole day. I need a lay down too. *sighs*

Being sick is a bitch !

On the up side, my voice's kinda sexy. If I do say so myself.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

It's 4 bloody am and I'm up. I'm UP !!!!


Friday, May 21, 2004

Urrrmmmm .... Pretty in Pink ?

Hey, hey, hey ....

I'm back to pink or at least various shades of it. Not normal ? Didn't like it ?


I spent collectively 3 hours assembling the whole thing. Oh mans, the codes were killing my brain cells one by one. On top of that, I read a bit more on my assignment. Managed an introduction. Another 9 pages to go .... *sighs*

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Main Entry: in·flu·en·za
Pronunciation: "in-(")flü-'en-z&
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, literally, influence, from Medieval Latin influentia; from the belief that epidemics were due to the influence of the stars
1 : an acute highly contagious disease caused by any of several single-stranded RNA viruses (family Orthomyxoviridae) and characterized by sudden onset, fever, prostration, severe aches and pains, and progressive inflammation of the respiratory mucous membrane; broadly : a human respiratory infection of undetermined cause
2 : any of numerous febrile usually virus diseases of domestic animals marked by respiratory symptoms, inflammation of mucous membranes, and often systemic involvement
- in·flu·en·zal /-z&l/ adjective

I've got the bug !!!!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Reprieve: 1 : to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner); 2 : to give relief or deliverance to for a time

I'd been given a reprieve. Last date for submission of the Forensics Chemistry Assignment 1 has been pushed to Saturday, 6 pm ! *phew*

Still, I know I'll be doing it up until the wee hours of Saturday morning. Luckily, this Saturday I'm not on duty ! *double phews*

I'm gonna have lunch now.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Evil comes in many forms .....

..... so how do we differentiate the pure unadulterated evil from people who are just, well, faking it ?

Monday, May 17, 2004

Saw the marks for my first Pharmacology assignment. I am so disappointed !!! I only got 66 out of 100. Feeling really lousy now. How will I ever be able to get better grades for this second semester ? You know, the tiny doubts of committment I have to studying part time is seriously growing bigger. Why am I wasting my time and money this way ? Did I not put in enough effort for my assignment ? I don't think I did a slip shod piece of work. Fuck ! Bottom line, I am not committed enough ! The same kind of attitude I had way back when I was doing a full time course. I really might just sign up for one module next semester. *sighs*

I really feel like crying !
speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Take a look at what I unearthed ....

This was before any Sarah, Rebecca and Victoria (at least not, I'd hoped !) fiasco. Tell me again, why he's NOT the sweetest looking guy around ....

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The lengths I go .....

..... just to view the video clip of Conte Partiro !!!

Had the file transferred over from Samuel. What with him behind his Uni's firewall, a 40MB file which usually take 30-45 minutes to retrieve, set me back 5 bloody hours !!! Mans, during that period of time, I managed to bring my Solitaire winnings back to the black after spending half the time in the red zone. Had a really refreshing shower after which I had a really heavy dinner (satay was what my dad bought for dinner !). Managed a couple of head-banging sessions to Green Day and Blur. Read The Forensics Casebook, covering 4 topics ! Even had a short nap in between. After the stress subjected to my sweetness (my PC, of course), it decided to force me to let it have a break. So what does it do ? Hanged itself of course. And all these "sacrifices" for a little over 3 minutes of bad quality clip. Mans, the disappointment !

Anyways, I'm looking to expand my media library. If you guys deign it fit to help me, just send me an email, okays ? I'll meet you online for the file transfers as long as you are not under heavy firewall obstructions, I don't mind the wait ! Oooooh ..... bootlegged movies are da' bomb !!!!

Disclaimer ~ Author does not support any illegally copied materials out of free will. Author is usually under heavy criticisms for being critical of pirated movies and cds. Author is also an advocate to "Buy Original" slogan. As much a possible, Author will fork out her last 20 bucks on a good cd. Any files of media transferred across the web are merely seen as "strictly" data transfer. Does not mean to cause a loss of revenue to associated artistes, be them dead or alive. Further enquiries can be directed to the silent linkages or via email.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Ponderings ......

Sitting here at my work place, with the aircon down, I keep thinking what a "fortunate" lot we all are. Being here, at this particular time and space. With all sorts of horrific news and events bombarding the average person, one cannot help but wonder if we all will one day see a moment when all the "noise" will cease to exist.

I'm not asking for a lot. Just a moment. When all the people, all 5.7 billion of us would, at that precise moment be united in the silence. No more lies, no more empty promises, no more agonising screams. After all if everyone is "screaming" at the same time, who is then left to listen ? To sort out the kinks that can lead to many irreparable damages ? This day and age has become a story of some kind of upmanship between the mighty. The kind where innocent lives are executed in the name of revenge. A kind that said, "I'll hurt you so bad until you will not see the second term of presidency because I'm retaliating to the injustice you had done to 'my people'."

Really people, what kind of an impression are we showing the younger ones ? Is this really a world you would want to be bringing your offspring to ? It's sad that there is no more safe place on earth with the exception of maybe 6 feet under. But even then, you would have to contend with grave diggers and medical schools stealing DBs, be it for the worldly possessions or research. Ultimately for their own greedy manifestations.

And then where does that leave us ? You know, I never thought I'd ever say this out loud but really, to borrow a line from an exceptionally gifted musician, Freddie Mercury, "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all".

Oh, to be able to delve in the minds of the youths. The most reckless population of the world. Them with their idealistic notions that they can change the world and make a difference. Them with the most selfish attitude, to correct the wrongs of the forefathers. Oh, what a whole load of bull awaits them. The rose coloured view of all that is sweet and innocent will be lost forever and all that there is left are the degradation of morality and humanity. No more missions to fight the good fight. Jaded, tired and used, them will go to bed, thinking the failures of yesteryears. No more direction in life so you might as well as not lived at all.

If not, then it's just me alone.

..... are a bitch.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Screw this !

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

~ You're Having My Baby ~ Paul Anka & Odia Coates (1974)

Having my baby,
What a lovely way of saying how much you love me.
Having my baby,
What a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me.
I can see it
Your face is glowing
I can see it in your eyes
I'm happy in knowing...

That you're having my baby,
You're the woman I love and I love what it's doing to you.
Having my baby,
You're a woman in love and I love what's going through you.
The need inside you
I see it showing
Oh, the seed inside you baby do you feel it growing.
Are you happy in knowing...

That you're having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me.
Having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me.
Didn't have to keep it
Wouldn't put you through it
You could have swept it from your life but you wouldn't do it.
No, you wouldn't do it...

And you're having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me.
Having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Blogger's got a new face !!! Hah ... No wonder the link button at the right hand corner looks so gorgeous ! The interface is more user friendly. It looked almost like a certain journal (Zorpia !) I've been concurrently using !

Now .... let's see what are some of the new templates that have come about with this new look !

Sunday, May 09, 2004

I do wonder sometimes, no, most times why do I keep updating my blogpage ? It's not as if my life is all that interesting. It's pretty much routine, nothing exciting ever happened. I go to work, come back from work, watch tv and hit the bed. Routine, sad, lonely. I like though. Writing. I love to write hence I hope *crosses fingers* the day when I get bored with writing would be when I'm really old and grey. Which I think is creeping up on me. Fast. Oh wells. What is living must surely aged. Got to get back on my assignment. Shrek 2 is coming !!!! I love ! Rupert Everett's gonna be on it ! I like !

Saturday, May 08, 2004

~ Knock Three Times ~ Tony Orlando & Dawn

Hey girl what ya doin' down there
Dancin' alone every night while I live right above you
I can hear your music playin'
I can feel your body swayin'
One floor below me you don't even know me
I love you
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show
If you look out your window tonight
Pull in the string with the note that's attached to my heart
Read how many times I saw you
How in my silence I adored you
Only in my dreams did that wall between us come apart
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show
I can hear your music playin'
I can feel your body swayin'
One floor below me you don't even know me
I love you
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show
I am so screwed !!! My assignment's been put off time and again ! I so do not know how to start !!!! I'm so dead ! However, I'll come up periodically to update my blog. And to tell you if hell's as hot as the cynics thought.

*goes on blubbering to herself ..... *

Friday, May 07, 2004

Happy Birthday Dad !!!!

And on that note, Happy Belated Birthday Mother !!!!!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Hey, if you guys have got a bit more spare time, go on to this lady's blogpage. What a breath of fresh air to read blogs like this !

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I am sooooooo tired. I wonder what is wrong with me. I've been pretty depleted in the energy department these few days. I've not been sick or anything. Must be the time of the month then. *yawns*

Monday, May 03, 2004


Meeting went fine, a lot of mission statements to "memorise" though. *sighs* Hope there is some kinda incentive if we do get this award .....

Gotta pack now. It looks like it's gonna drench/drown rats soon.
Hola, kind readers.

I'm here filling up (holds up two fingers) minutes before I have to rush down for the Innovation meeting. Oh, guess what ? Your kind writer (???) has been selected as one of the so many people for an interview with the Innovation audit team. How utterly cool is that ? And how utterly strange is it ? So anyways, I will update later as to what I need to say or behaved for the interview tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

I'm back !!!!!

Am I diligent or what ?

Didn't get to make my new glasses. The shop was closed ! So disappointing ! No matter. I got to buy durians and large juicy mangoes ! *slurps*

Oh, Fie ... Thanks for Radiohead's Creep vid. I have it on repeat mode now !!! Bliss ......

~ Radiohead Creep ~

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so very special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice when I'm not around
You're so very special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell I'm doing here?
I don't belong here

She's running out again
She's running out
She runs runs runs

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so very special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
Harloooooooo ......

Back for the second time today ! I'm so bored. People, why won't you come online and chat with me ? I'm soooooooooo bored ! I'm gonna go make a new pair of glasses later. Oooooooh ...... So exciting ! I don't know what to choose ? Plastic or metal ? Full frames, no frames or half frames ? And please don't start me on the colours ! Red, blue, black, yellow ! And also, to get or not to get, contacts, of course. Exciting stuff, I'll tell you !

However, for now, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo bored ! Talk to me people !!!!
I'm having a lot of technical problems with my new computer. Every now and then it wants me to either configure this programme or other. It's getting pretty irritating. The current problem that has been recurring is my connection to the good 'net. I just can't seemed to figure out what went wrong since I last used it. I mean since my sis last used it. Exasperated, I'd decided to do a system restore. Thankfully, it seemed to be working (hence, the reason for this post). I'm us wondering when will be the next time I come home from work and my sis complained about not being able to start connection. With my niece fiddling my computer and pressing one button after the other, one hasn't the need to wonder how my new computer sucked !

Oh, by the way .... a shout out to Zachary Ng !

Welcome to the world, boy !

Actually, I'm 2 days late, aren't I ??? *winks*