silentscream Search

Monday, September 15, 2003

Wouldn't hurt so bad

Samuel is leaving for UCL tomorrow. Yeah well, some people's got money to spend on a UK education. I'm definitely gonna miss him. The irksome, calculative bugger. Although ..... He's been good to me ..... That is just him being himself. I bet he himself will not deny the fact he's all that and more.

Sheeesh .....

I'd come to terms that there won't be a Samuel around to bug me to consider taking a part time course in this institution or any other. No Samuel to go to the movies with. To drag me to Carrefour at Suntec (his favourite shopping mall !). Make me give him a treat whenever we go to a sushi restaurant.

Sheeesh .....

Helena, snap out of it. It's not as if he's not ever coming back or that we would totally lose contact. There is always MSN, the all powerful chatting tool. Well, this is sounding way too awkward. So ..... Samuel, I blame you !

Oh, just to let you know, I've applied to Hartford to do the part time degree course in Biomed. I'm not sure if this is the best option for me. However, if it doesn't turn out right, I'm blaming you. Yeap. My scapegoat.

So enjoy yourself there. And keep me updated on your exploits. Who knows when our paths will cross again. So with that, I end this post.

Night, Dear.

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