silentscream Search

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Centre of my heart

So here I am. Sitting in front of my workstation. Sipping coffee in my faithful Mac's styrofoam cup. I've just finished having breakfast. Feeling so darned sleepy. Listening to some woman warbling, "Just call me angel of the morning angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, darling...." on the radio. Just been reading the other peeps blog pages. Catching up with what's new/exciting/interesting/notorious things in a space of a day. So there.

Oh, met up with Sha and Fie. As usual I am always the first one to arrive. Not that I mind, cause I got to see the trailer of "My Boss's Daughter" and "The Italian Job" on the large screen in front of Shaw House. MBD was pretty funny but in the typical slapstick comedy, I will stay far, far away. TIJ is a must watch for me. Mark Wahlberg is like so delicious !

Passed the evening sitting in Starbucks after dinner. Earth shattering conversations. Like the hot factors of Jude Law and Rupert Everett (both equally hot, btw), fact that Aisha and Shikin got rejected from NIE (it's like so blardy funny, but I dare not laugh, for fear they might get a chance to say, "Backacha, L"), discussing my niece's name (come on, guys. It's not that cheesy once you get used to it) and that we can get really good bargains at Cash Converters. For a start, getting tennis racquets and roller blades for under 20 bucks. *winks*

So anyway, we left Starbucks after sitting for almost 2 hours with just 2 drinks to our table (Sha had the Caramel Frap. The one she was "raving" for, for quite sometime and Fie had the Hot Cocoa. I skipped drinks cause 1) I didn't want to stay up the whole night and 2) I was still so blardy full from dinner !). My observation, we were a bit reluctant to cut short the night but considering we had to get up for work in 8 hours, we had better move our asses to the nearest ride home.

We still plan to meet up soon. For one thing, we (Fie and I) need to get Sha's birthday present. And another thing, we wanted to play tennis together. It would all be in a good day's fun. Soon, very soon, I hope.

Oh Has, found out from Sha you have been reading my (crappy!) blog and I want to thank you for the support (!?!). Give a shout out if you have the time, wokay ?

Until later.

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