silentscream Search

Monday, September 22, 2003

Lay all your love on me

So today after work I'm gonna be meeting Sha and Fie.

Gonna be giving Fie her gift.

I am still stuck on what to get Sha. I am so bloody unimaginative. Can't even give the present on time. Gosh.

My head is spinning now. It's been such a boring day today. I'd taken the remainder time off if only I wasn't meeting those 2. It's amazing that we are still in contact. My colleagues and other friends are amazed that we managed to keep in touch even after years and years of leaving secondary school. I have yet to tell them that I still keep in touch with a handful of my primary school mates !

Just called Mother at home. Checked up on her. Earlier she had to go to Changi General for her checkup. I just wanna know what her doctor had said. I was a bit worried yesterday when I changed her dressing. She had gotten her foot wet and the skin of her whole left foot started peeling off. Her skin was super dry whenever we bandaged up the wound. Yesterday was even more depressing because you would never know when a broken skin occur and infection sets in. So anyway, last night after cleaning and washing her wound, I did not bandage up the foot. Just to air and dry the area surrounding the wound.

This morning, when I checked her foot, all seemed well and I bandaged up the foot to prevent the cotton gauze from falling off and exposing her open wound. It's amazing to note the progress of growing flesh. At first, just after the amputation, the gaping hole was big enough to put in 5 fifty cents coins. Now the "pocket" can barely take in a one cent coin !

So yeah, Mother's healing pretty well. I can't wait to see how the flesh stopped growing and for the skin to grow and encompass the wound, thus closing it. Hmm ... Wonder how Mother would feel when all the bandages come off and for her to see her left foot. Gosh.

If it'd happened to me, I don't know if I can be as strong as Mother was/is.

C'est la vie.

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